
Jun 18, 2008 00:17

I've no long finished work, so Im sitting watching 8 Mile.

Trying to chill out. Im so tired, but yet i cant sleep.
How fucked up does that sound?
I'm looking at my tip of a room, and it makes me smile. Just the fact that Im happy its a tip.
Its a mess, just like me.

I'm happy at who I am at the moment. I Am gay, and its only within the last few months I've felt happy enough to say that. I am a lesbian. Its kinda liberating. Its ironic that the only people who I've told that have been negative, is my family. My dad and uncle are very homophobic, even my mum is sometimes.

Its like 'don't gays have enough rights'? Erm....whats enough rights? Shouldn't everybody, whatever colour, age, sex or religion have the same rights?
Or is that just a little too optimistic?

At college we had a discussion (arguement) about smoking indoors, and whether it should be banned (it is at the moment). I personnally don't care. The only time smokers bothered me was when I was at a club or gig, When the bastards would just stab you with their fag. Damn, it fucking hurt.
But other than that I dont give two fucks.

Although I do believe the whole 'smoking ban'(sic) is nothing but goverment spin. The cigarette industry is one of the biggest goverment incomes there is, I mean, do you know how much of your twenty deck is actually tax? So why would they want to loose that precious money with a ban? So say that smoking in 'public spaces' is unhealthy and just ban that. That means they are 'soing their bit for Britian's health', and yet they dont lose all the funds 'cigarette tax' give the goverment.

Its the only reason alcohol hasn't been banned, that is also a major funder for the giverment, with the tax on alcohol going up on a regular basis, but its still easy to buy.

If the goverment did really care about your health, they would attempt to ban them both, but the lack of tact proves that they are just doing it to keep health boards quiet.

I say make hash legal, it is less harmful than both nicotine and alcohol, to the user and those around them. The big issue with that. Anyone can grow hash. Which means the goverment couldn't tax it all, and no income for them. I believe that is the main reason it is illegal.

As for using cooking oil to power unleaded cars? Better for the car, better for the enviroment and a hell of a lot cheaper than regular petrol. But the issue is, it is too easily obtainable, the goverment would find it hard to tax it.

So everything in modern day Britian comes down to one thing, freedom and our lack of it. The goverment see a problem, they raise taxes.

I say the Houses of Parliment should be blown up. Guy Fawkes had the right idea. Burn the place down. Those arse-holes are crippling every worker and family who try to put something into this country.

Its Shite!

Sue xx

goverment, drink, smoking, taxes, hash

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