
Jun 15, 2008 20:39

What the fuck!!
Im bored yet I have so much shit to do.
Where has my motivation gone?

I think i dropped it somewhere!?!
dont ask where tho.

If anyone finds it, send it in my direction.

I wanna go out for a drink, but noone will come, and I'm not going to the pub on my tod. I hate that, cause all these randoms come up and ask me dumb-ass questions about my hair or tattoos.

I cant be assed with it, I mean I dont go up to them, and ask why they came out with no clothes on. And if i hear one more 'rock chick' singing to Nickelback I might just hang myself. Its like, come on, go and discover music without having Radio 1 throw it on your lap. Grrr.

It bugs me cause music is a huge part of me and my life, and I think what you listen to should reflect your mood and your personality. I mean i love discovering new bands. Nothing beats listening to a band for the first time, and feeling it effect you.

Take the Wombats for instance, my mate Kimmi told me to check them out, which i did. And they are perky and happy, and make me smile. But I prefer to go on judgements of people I know. A lot of my music im listening to are based on recommendations from people who like the same type of music as me. Its got me into bands like Sham 69, The Adiicts and X ray spex.

I mean music helps you express yourself and form an identity in this world where everything is criticised and torn apart, music can offer you a bit of light. But moods change which is why i beleive you cannot fully appreciate music unless you have a wide appreciation of music, and the various moods it can convey.

I dont feel that anyone can say that a particular genre of music is bad. Because whilst every genre has its low points, they also have high points. I know people who slate dance music and RnB, but I dont see why they are so different from any other type of music. OK RnB was once all about soul, but thats another matter all together.

Too me a good song can effect my mood, can set my heart racing or give me chills.
Take Russell Watson (classical singer from Wales), his voice sticks in my head and amazes me. I dunno why, it just effects me, but thats what music is.

It ahould effect your senses and help you evaluate your thoughts and views and possibly change you.

That turned out to be an unexpected rant, but its all true. I obviously think about things too much. lol


annoyance, rant, music

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