Feb 21, 2013 17:03
I am trying hard to stay motivated.
Which, in itself, is a bit of a challenge.
But I have kept going, so far. Been getting up early, and meeting with friends. Also have been trying to walk a lot. Walking is something that relaxes me, and always has been. It is a bit of 'me' time, where I can try and organise my thoughts properly.
I have started doing small work outs to try and trim down my thighs and arms, as well as walking. Try to tone things up a bit. I have always really wanted a tattoo on my thigh, and be able to wear shorts, but I am too self-conscious right now. My legs remind me of shapeless slugs (braw imagery).
It is almost logical that I am focusing on trying to change things that I can, because so much of my normal life has changed. I think it's about trying to seize control of things again. To feel like I am in charge. So, here's to living in a sketchbook again, spending nights in photoshop with Disney movies playing, to listening to music just because I like it. I have an abundance of free time, and I have to spend it on me. I spent so much time stressing out about my old job, I didn't get the chance to do much of what I liked. Which is sad.
(The Rarity icon makes me want to watch Oliver & Company and MLP. I am 8)