Holiday! Yay!

Oct 23, 2012 23:43

But that doesn't mean I have time to lie around.

I am trying to tidy things up (both in housework and work related things). I have been changing a lot of my online status, things to SueRiotGraphics, and my author name is simply Sue Riot. Now, I know that to some, it may appear dumb that I have not done this before. But I have not had any clashes between my online and offline life, till fairly reccently.

So I made some changes. And I plan to delve back into creative things online. I saw the bad side to the internet, and it put me off. Majorly. But, I have decided to change some things around, and see if I can get back into things. I have people paying me on advice on Twitter. Does that not seem crazy, or is it just me? Oh well, I thought, if I was to be giving advice, I'd better get back into the swing of things.

Let's see how it goes. :)

personal, me, work

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