Keeping at things.

Nov 17, 2011 02:16

First off, I probably shouldn't admit on LJ that I just burst into fits of the giggles when I saw that the LJ store is selling a bottle of sparkles. Nothing funny about that at all, untill you see that the other stuff there is Vampire and Werewolf related. I can't, for the life of me, understand why Twilight is so fucking popular. It shits on anything either Vampire or Werewolf related before it. I think Mr Alex Day said it best when he likened the series to some poorly written fan fiction.

So I laughed at the idea that someone may buy a bottle of sparkle in the connection to Twilight. A bottle of Sparkles in relation to Unicorns or something would be better, me thinks.

Well, I am up late tonight, after finishing work and delving back into NaNoWroMo after ignoring the whole thing for about a week. But, I have decided to go down fighting this year, and am back trying to make a dent into it over the next few days. I think I am just gutted that this weekend will be a total non-starter because I am in Glasgow. I am going to get into the swing of things, and just try and keep on going, regardless of number.


lol, twilight, nanowrimo

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