Hello stranger

Feb 24, 2010 16:03

Well, I guess I have not been on the internet as much as I usually am, hence the lack of an update.

Not much has happened to be honest. Just college and work. I have not done too much, just trying to get work done.

I did get a new penpal called Pam, she is from Lancs, she seems really nice. Found her on a site called penpalsnow.com. She seems nice. I miss writing to people, I used to do it all the time when I was at school, but as I got older, I lost contact with them all. So I thought it would be nice to write to someone again, other than my brother, who doesn't write back. We'll see how it goes, but I have mailed her a few times and she seems really nice so far.

Also at work, got to see a bit of 3D tv. Which would be nice, if the tv was bigger. For 3d to work, you really need to have a mahoosive tv screen. I say that, because, about a year ago, we saw the 3d tv , and back then it was a lot clearer. But I do think that is simply because the screen was too small, this time. It was a roadshow to show us how 2010 is the year of Sky+HD. Exciting stuff I assure you.  The thing I was more excited about was the fact that the Sky Sports HD filming crew came, as the HD truck left. So we get to see teh reccording process of HD. Which should be cool. But I'm off tonight, going to try and get some work done for college. Try, being the main word

sky, penpal, work, college

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