*yawns* bored.

Jan 19, 2010 13:49

I'm sitting in college, blogging yet again. I am doing my work for my Graphic Design project. And I am sitting drawing pigs. This is my one project I have had a major block on the last few weeks. With me not wanting to do anything for it. But it feels like I am finally getting a bit of developement done. Which is always good.

I am being easily annoyed today. I am being annoyed by my usual drink of choice, Diet Coke. I am drinking way too much of the stuff, so I have bought a bottle of water, and am going to try and drink that. I mean both college and work have water machines, so it is easy enough to refill it, and it costs me nothing. It just means I am peeing a hell of a lot.

Also annoyed that I have to buy a new belt and jeans. Mostly becsause my old belt doesn't go tight enough anymore, its too big. You'd think that I'd be happy that I am eventually losing some weight, but nooo, it irks me. It may be because I have just bought new jeans on my last wages, and now they are too big. I mean, they keep falling down, even with ny belt on. And I can't afford a new belt till I get paid next Wednesday. Ok, just made myself look like the saddest case every. Lets get one thing straight though, I have never dieted, I eat what I do, and excerise when I can. I have never calorie counted, or monitered my weight on a daily basis. I judge my health, on things such as my clohes getting too big (like it is atm). I have always been built like a rigby player, so I know I will never be a perfect size 8, so I am like this no matter what diet I go on. But I must be honest and say, that losing weight does make you happier, well actually, probably more accomplished than happy. *thinks*

For the record, from today my tweets are no longer getting shipped here on a daily basis, because it is annoying me with my new layout. It will be reinstated only, if there are times when I won't be able actual post, the live twitter will post again. Its just to help this journal flow a lot better, because the tweets are breaking it up a bit.

weight, twitter, developement, diet, live twitter., college

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