i am off balance today. i keep feeling like i am going to fall down the numerous stairs i encounter. i really feel like i can't walk straight. it might be that my glasses don't work so well lately.
i hate syrofoam. i need to bring my lunch more often.
what an incredibly convoluted mood i am in.
where the fuck do 5 years go? my mom died 5 years ago today. my friend asked me this weekend whether my mom would have approved of my life and my girlfriend and such. and i think she would. she never had any problems with my girlfriends. but then again i never shared a lot of my problems or joys with her. i find myself wishing i could tell her about all the boring details of my job or telling her about how worried i am israel is starting world war 3. i try to imagine what her email name would be. i try to picture us eating out at the indian resturant in la that i like. it is slightly easier now to remember the good parts rather just the painful mental images of the end. some scars heal, some are constantly being reopened and something in me will not suture them.
july has often been a bad month for me. it's like there should be more wildness and merry-making in the summer but i am not that kind of person i guess.
sometimes i stare at the flourescent lights in my cube and try to picture my life without them. i want more candlelight and moonlight in my life. i think the computer is making me go slowly blind.
some better history is that i am celebrating my 7th year of not eating animals. by my conservative estimates that is 3-6 cows, 7 pigs, 250 chickens and many fishes that have not passed through my digestive system and into the toilet. i don't know how to calculate the suffering by being kept in cages or living in your own filth or having your beak burnt off. there is a farm sanctuary not too far from here and i really want to go visit some farm animals. i especially like pigs. i would have a pig for a pet (only if it was a rescue though). i hear they are smart and loving and clean except for their droppings which can be runny.
if anyone is really brave they should watch this video online, narrated by Jaoquin Phoenix:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3251419433163515470&q=earthlings here is some info about the effects of meat production on our environment:
- Deforestation and Grassland Destruction: The world's appetite for meat is razing forests at an accelerating rate. In Central America, 40 percent of all the rainforests have been cleared or burned down in the last 40 years, mostly for cattle pasture. In the process, natural ecosystems where a variety of plant and animal species thrive are destroyed and replaced with monoculture grass.
- Fresh Water: Water experts calculate that humans are now taking half the available fresh water on the planet”leaving the other half to be divided among a million or more species. Producing 8 ounces of beef requires 25,000 liters of water.
- Waste Disposal: Waste from livestock production exceeds the capacity of the planet to absorb it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that livestock waste has polluted more than 27,000 miles of rivers.
- Energy Consumption & Global Warming: It takes far more fossil-fuel energy to produce and transport meat than to deliver equivalent amounts of protein from plant sources. This heavy use of carbon-rich fuels also contributes significantly to the emissions of global-warming gases.
- Food Productivity of Farmland: In the U.S., 56 million acres of land produce hay for livestock. Only 4 million acres produce vegetables for human consumption, reports the US Department of Commerce. Such inefficient use of land means that food production will not keep up with population growth.
- Diseases: Mass production of livestock has generated large-scale increases in both infectious diseases and degenerative or lifestyle diseases.
- Biodiversity Loss and Threat of Extinction: As Earth becomes more crowded, poor populations are increasingly venturing into wildlife reserves for meat. Poaching and black marketeering of bush meat is decimating remaining populations of gorillas, chimpanzees, and other primates.