Caution: Spanish rambling ahead

Nov 20, 2006 14:43

No me alegre nada este semestre. Tengo demasiadas cosas hacer, y no tiempo por nada, y yo creo que yo podria dormir siempre...ah, dios mio.

Yo no se nada...este manana piensaba en mi vida sin escuela, no se porque la educacion es tan importante como yo lo hago. y, por supesto, todo esto es loco porque yo se exactamente porque este es importante, pero...estoy perezoso y no quiero hacer nada otra vez.


Sorry. I'm certain that's all gramatically out of context, so if anyone plugs it into a translator it might not make a damn bit of sense. It's all about me being really burnt out, to the point that I'm wondering what school's for & why grad school is important to me. It's just a phase.

I need Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break.

I need a break.


Also, a side note on translators, they do work, but you can only do parts of sentences or whole sentences at once. Don't get too fancy...if you try a whole paragraph they take it out of context. This works if you're translating to English or to another language (at least Spanish or French, that I know of.) It might not be 100% though, so make sure if you're doing it for class that you know what you're talking about. I've learned that they cannot write my papers or do other homework for me, but they can be a great sidekick to make me feel more comfortable with what I'm doing.




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