So I haven't updated in a while. Not really.
I'm tired of doing my homework (Sociology takehome test due Monday...) so I've turned on some Evanescence & decided to update. No crazy stalker updates, happily, though I do have a
As some of you might be aware of, my brain-child C-N Students for Environmental Action was born this semester. We had a movie event, & showed the Gore flick, An Inconvenient Truth, on campus, for chapel credit :) So, after, we had this discussion period, about 30 or so people stayed...and one of the faculty's runnin' things, and he's asking for positive & negative feedback (because, yes, we understand, not everyone hearts Al Gore...) and we're getting some really good feedback from both groups, and then, enter crazy guy...
He just started talking & the room kind of froze...we were all looking around at each other like 'wtf?'...his first statement was that obviously Gore doesn't support the Bible because his science goes back 600,000 years and that's not in agreement with the then he said all that science was obviously total crap (i'm paraphrasing, okay...?) and that 'we' as Christians should not let anyone believe it...and by the time he got done talking his theory pretty much shaped up to be 'Global Warming isn't real because Al Gore supports sodomy'. Honestly, i'm not joking...he went ON & ON about how Gore had no right to call light to morals because he has none...
it was amazing. Some people are so completely backwards...for the first part, none of anything he was saying really had anything to do with global warming to start with. I was really impressed with how some people, who obviously dislike Gore, had the ability to seperate one and the other. But no...this guy went off...he even had the nerve to practically tell the faculty member that they were all but going to hell because they read a piece of scripture that someone had modernized and applied to the world...
It was very much an omg moment...
In other news, I'm graduating in one year! Yep, I've figured out how to make it work so that I can graduate after 12/07, with both majors & the minor, so I'm pretty happy. Oh, and get this, I might be going to MEXICO this summer :) I don't really know a lot of the details yet, it's through Mars Hill College, and it'd be for like 3 weeks during mayterm, but that's about all I know as of yet...I hope I can make it work out because, omg, y'all, Mexico? Seriously. I'd die.
Guess I'll stop rambling. Love.