Um, apparently I have low self-esteem 36% of the time. Guess that's probably true. It's when they put those damn questions on there like...'you ignore your problems' & 'you're indecisive'...and the word sometimes is an evil bitch. Sure SOMETIMES everyone feels bad about themselves...and yes, I have wondered if I went away how many people would notice. (Travis excluded as he'd probably insist on taking me if I went away. HA!) I seriously believe I'm more self-confident than that. Who knows?
Anyway, if ya wanna look/take the quiz,
You Have Low Self Esteem 36% of the Time
Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail.
Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly.
How is Your Self Esteem? I feel soooooo much better today. Lately I've been going on this rollercoaster ride of stress...I felt better after I wrote that poem the other day, but the icing on the cake was taking my exceptionalities test and turning in that paper! Beautiful world! I feel like I did really well on both, but...if I ended up with two C's I'd be bummed, but not surprised. Never surprised. It's so hard to know what to expect from a teacher you've never had before...
Oh, yeah...the car situation is better. We've now got a 95(?) Camero convertable! that we bought from Trav's dad. It's sweet. Today...we went to Morristown to get a Strawberry Dacquri (or however the fuck you spell it!) from Applebees...and on the way back we kicked the top down and was beautiful peaceful. *sigh* One of those 'take a mental picture and remember it when you're stressin' out' moments. I feel like the rest of the semester is all downhill from this point. Sure, I've still got 4 CLW credits to get (hey Annaka, I'm coming to see Our Town!), a Spanish video to film with my group, 5 reflections to write for Old Testament and only like 7 classes left, a shitload of reflections to write for Sociology, some OT project, and then finals, but still. It's not a damn 6 page research paper with ten sources!
I just hope I did well....
I'm very excited about this break we're getting, but I'm working for most of it...worked last night and tonight 5:30-9:30, (last night in Furnature!) and I'm working both tomorrow and Saturday in Furnature too, tomorrow 1:30-9:30 and (Easter)Sunday 9:00-5:30. So, lotsa hours...but hey, that's lotsa hours, which equals a nice paycheck. Or at least a decent paycheck! LOL. But I'm off Monday and I'm having a HP marathon with mi amiga
joyannajah Sunday evening/Monday, we've been trying to do that for months now so I'm psyched!
Oh, speaking of work, anybody know anyone that's doing the summer missionary thing at Appalachian Outreach this summer? I'm bolding that since this is essay-length, I'm hoping that it might catch the I know two of the guys that are working on the home repair team...but I'm trying to find out who's going to be working with me in Samaritan House (did I mention that I'm for sure working for AO this summer?!?) if you know anyone, lemme know!
Oh, Travis says to tell everyone about my 'pretty haircut'. So anyone that's actually seen me, (lol), I got a hair cut. It's much shorter, a bit above my chin, in layers. I'm lovin' it. Did that today before the drink trip. Some dude at BL said I look like Teri Hatcher in whatever superhero movie that was, Spiderman, or Superman...I think Super. Dunno.
I'm gonna stop with the essay now. I'll update more often so they're shorter :P
Edit: OMG Yall, I forgot! Wal-mart sent me this letter telling me i've got like over $500 in profit-sharing & i'm gonna get a check! Can you say, yippee unexpected/free money!!!