May 05, 2006 18:14
A Day in My Life
Its Friday, and a typical day in the office, and in keeping with my idea of trying to keep a journal, I thought I would jot down what I did on this typical Friday, so here goes.
Friday am.
Actually my previous day finished Friday am as I was determined to get some personnel reading done yesterday, so it was well gone midnight before I started, by the time I had done a little reading, set things up for breakfast the next day, (need to do that as I never have time in the morning proper) and got ready for bed it was 2.30am.
7am got up and took the dog out, only a little walk as I am not good at this hour, fed her and then got breakfast ready for me and my daughter, my husbands was already cooked, as I had put the microwave on timed before going to bed. My daughter did not need a lift today, which was not so typical, usually she is late so I end up running her to school, still in my nightshirt, with a coat over the top.
Hubby was working somewhere strange today, so he was going on his motor bike, I had programmed our new GPS device the night before, with the address, so only needed to show him how it worked and get him set up on the Bluetooth, (it was a good job my daughter did not need the lift).
Got to work and was cornered by one of the engineers wanting to know how to break down a cyanide ester polymer, (that’s the problem with being the only chemist here), got cornered by the secretaries, because one of the Professors was trying to wangle some more money. Made it to my office where I got my first call from a salesman. Then managed to have a relatively quite time answering email, checking job descriptions, making appointments for later and trying to work out exactly how the European office had cocked up someone salary so completely and then tried to blame us for it.
pm The Firemen are due to do a Health and Safety inspection at 3.15, at least that has potential, but first a meeting to discuss how our projects are going, and how we can best allocate our resources to meet the time frame of the projects. Took some of them (again) through what to do and what not to do when applying for grants, and do not send them to me until they are nearly finished because I do not want to read them all twice.
HoD informs me we have 3 Chinese students and almost certainly two others from countries unknown coming to study with us over the summer and only two rooms to accommodate them all, can I come up with suggestion as to were to put them, my suggestion of the kitchen went down as well as I expected. (where are those Firemen).
I think I just about have time to make a drink before the firemen get here when I get another phone call, ‘when we paid that invoice did we or did we not pay the tax’. I don’t know I just sign the b**** things, and they need the answers now as they have to send the tax return today, (but what about my firemen!!!!!). I decided this one was pass the buck time. But when I get back to my office, I have a call from the firemen, they can’t come today, they had to go out on a call, try again next week (sigh!!!!)
Ok if they are not coming I have time to think, Chinese coming here to research with us, that need a permit, arrrgh!!!!!!, I bet no one has done anything about the permit.
Alright permits sorted and I have given them copies to fill in , but while doing that I have had at least three knocks on the door, so I need to find out what they are about. What’s the minimum time someone can have as a lunch break?, they want to go home early. Where have we been paying this guy? I have to look in three different places as HR keep changing how we appoint people. Do we have to advertise this post? Where can we find desks for these people? Can I track down the survey done in 1993 for the possible settings of observatories along the North Downs? Damn I haven’t opened todays post yet and what did I do with my to do list? I haven’t seen it all day
And then I will go home and sit down, (after cooking dinner of course) and wonder what I have done all day and why am I feel worn out. But first I must pop to the shops, I am out of a few things, thank goodness they open late, I wonder if I can get my daughter to walk the dog.
Another typical day in my life, but at least I got to do a little science.