Apr 10, 2007 04:17
Silly title I know, but it is what he asked me to put on there.
And just so you know, this is not James, I am posting on his behalf based on a letter I recieved from him today. He asked that as soon as I got the note I come on here and post the following message for him:
"Dear people whom I know, have known (and probably pissed off at some point)
If you are reading this then this means that I sent out the letter that I have had written for many months now. It also means that I have moved on from this plane of existance (to put it bluntly, without all those flowery words that usually accompany these types of messages) I'm sure some, if not most of you guys saw something like this coming, or at least it isn't going to surprise you. Despite the risk of sounding far too Gothy I shall attempt to explain my actions and what-not.
The last few months have been a rough time for me. Money troubles, job troubles, relationship troubles...ahh relationship troubles..it seems to be the main topic for most notes like this eh? Well sad to say this one is no different...Rachel and I have parted ways. She no longer harbors the feelings for me that I do for her. I am no longer the man that she fell in love with it seems....now I''ve dealt with heartbreak for sure..that is no new thing to me...but never to this degree...she was special...or so I thought..but i suppose not. It would have made things so much easier if I could have hated her...screamed at her, called her horrible names and stormed out of the house never to return..but alas I could not.....of all the feelings I have felt throughout this ordeal hate has not been one of them...as much as I wish it would be. Pain gave way to numbness and I found myself staring off into the edge of the void. Nothing made sense in my life and I couldn't see any other path to take. The treasures of this realm had been taken from me so I decided it was time to move onto another realm..another life. I'm sorry if this upsets any of you, I truly saw no other path in which to take...the majority of you will not care, or feel a twinge of sadness followed by a return of not really caring..which is fine, I would prefer it to be that way, it is something I have done many times in my miserable life. Whatever you do or whatever emotions you feel I wish those of you i call my friends and those of you who may call yourselves my enemies the best in your lives........
And that is the end of what he wrote. I have no idea what he has done to himself or where he is but I did spend time with him for a few days on sunday and he did seem like an empty shell, a broken version of himself. Thank you for your time. Goodbye and goodnight.