Challenge crossover fic

Aug 06, 2009 10:28

Title: “You promised on Gwen's life”
Rating: maybe a soft R
Pairing: Jack/Ianto


Disclaimer: I don't own anything from either Universe's. Includes merchandise, franchise, collector items, Characters etc.
Summary: “ummm, I think I'm in trouble” sheepish voice intoned

Author's Notes: Spelling mistakes are my own. UN-betad. This is Gwen bashing fic, written for the crossover challenge for AGA.


“ummm, I think I'm in trouble” sheepish voice intoned

“Okay who do I need to pay off this time” an annoyed tone replied back

“ummmm, I think it's a bit more then doing that this time” the voice replied and some murmuring in the background which sounded suspiciously like an apology

“Dammit, I leave you to go to Washington a bit early because I had to sort out things here and argue with Gwen why she can't come, and you get into trouble on the first day. You said after I let you go to India early because Gwen was again throwing a tantrum about how she never spends time with Rhys and you insulted the matriarch of a prominent family..”

“How was I suppose..”

“And then proceeded to cook the family a dinner and feed them pork..”

“They said they eat meat..”

“And then to get out of trouble proceeded to flirt with the police commissioner..”

“He was giving me vibes and flirting, how as I suppose to know he wasn't..”

“And then get UNIT India commander to bail you out on Sabbath day..”

“Okay, Okay I know I promised this time that anything like that wouldn't happen..” a petulant tone was heard.

“You promised on Gwen's life” an exhausted voice intoned

“I know, but this time it wasn't my fault. A dead marine was put on my bed..”

“Who did you piss off?”

“I'm running out of time, I'm at.......” A dead line met the receiver.

The caller swore out loud, then turned around when he heard footsteps to be met with a blue-eyed silver haired older fox of a man.

“Those phones cut out all the time. I'm Special Agent Gibbs” the silver-haired man held out his hand

“I'm Captain Jack Harkness, and you have the wrong man” Jack shook his hand pumping it slightly before letting go

“That's what they all say” Gibbs said with a cold stare and a blank expression before leading Jack away to the cells for the night.

Ianto swore as the line remained dead, moving out of Jack's office and onto one of the hubs computers, he knew from when Jack was talking that the line had traced back to NCIS headquarters in D.C trying to hack into their database and coming up against hardcore encrypted software and personally written firewalls, Ianto chuckled and started whistling putting on the kettle and making the coffee's before starting to cut holes into the firewalls and using software to decode the encryption, the door alarm was sounded and in came Tosh as normal at 8am wearing jeans normal black boots and a purple top, she looked up an was startled to see him

“Ianto what you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in D.C for a little R'n'R then for that meeting?” Tosh quietly said

“Yes, but Gwen was making such a racket about me spending some time off on a bit of a holiday as I'm only the tea-boy and not important, Jack went off yesterday and I was going tonight, but Jack has got into trouble again”

“What, even after the whole thing that happened in India”


“Even after promising on Gwen's life?”


“hmmm, wonder if karma worked” Tosh shrugged

“Well, I'm looking at NCIS's database to see what Jack's been up to?” looking back at the screen, Ianto saw it was only half done

“Why you doing it manually, I have a program that does it for you and leaves no trace behind thanks to a few pieces of alien tech from the past couple of years” Tosh leant over the desk, tapped few letters, then in a few seconds they were in

“Tosh your amazing” Ianto enthused, Tosh looking through the system hummed and turned away but not before he saw her blush.

Ianto quickly found the section for Jack, it didn't look good. 'The body 31 year-old female in civilian clothing in the suspects Jack Harkness hotel room was later identified as Gunnery Sargent Katherine Haze who came back from touring in Iraq last week. Family is a special ops husband and 2 children in boarding school' Ianto winced at that 'Autopsy primarily shows that the victim was stabbed twice, once in the stomach and once in the upper chest which punctuated a lung causing haemorrhaging and internal bleeding. The body was estimated to be murdered about 3pm' Ianto read on getting more nervous 'Suspect Jack Harkness refuses to give an alibi at the time of the murder, the interview is still ongoing' Ianto came across more legal jargon, he heard Tosh gasp behind him

“Right, well I'm booking you on the next flight out there and I'm going to drive you there myself, you already got you passport etc. because I know you never go anywhere without it.”

“Thanks Tosh, I need to go and sort out this before it becomes international” Ianto quickly said

The cog door alarm sounded again and in came Owen and Gwen, bickering and Owen sporting a slight love-bite just visible above his t-shirt line

“I didn't want to be late as I'm now the commander” Gwen whined

“I don't care, you wanted another go” Owen leered

They both stopped as they saw them, Gwen blushed and looked apologetic at Tosh who was hiding her hurt feelings, Owen shrugged and went down into the autopsy room

“Oi tea-boy, where's my coffee?” Owen shouted up as Gwen removed her jacket revealing a red boob-tube and leather trousers which to be fair would have looked okay in a dirty druggy club but not at work, Ianto winced when he realised she just dumped her stuff everywhere and started to do her long day of nothingness with a dash of flirting with Owen on the side.

“I'm taking him to the airport, so make it yourself Owen” Tosh distractedly replied back.

“What, Ianto should be here manning the tourist shop and who else is going to make the coffee?” Gwen's whiny voice

“Gwen, Ianto does more then you me and Owen put together, If you can get your pea-brain to work then you would see it, what do you do Gwen. What takes up most of the time that you whine if you can't go out to get clothes and then proceed to stare at Jack and talk to him like he should obey you!” Ianto surprised and happy about what Tosh was shouting at Gwen about, moving past them quietly to get out into the underground car-park, wishing he could stay and watch Tosh ream out Gwen's snobby self for once, before sighing and thinking bout Jack in D.C.

“I didn't do it” intoned Jack

“The evidence says otherwise” Special Agent Dinozzo replied back

“Look I was out and not even in the hotel room” Jack looked around the orange interrogation room to the glass window, Jack smiled and waved at the people he couldn't see that were behind the window.

“No-one remembers you leaving the hotel after you check in. You were seen in the company of her before he death”

“I was out, taking in the sights like a good tourist”

“Then what were you doing with this?” A box was pushed in front of Jack

“It's a surprise” Jack quickly took the box refusing to say anything more on it

“What were you doing here, your plane tickets say your from Cardiff?”

“A colleague is going to meet me today and go to a meeting with a friend in a few days”

“Who were you suppose to meet?”

“Sorry, can't tell you”

Walking in to the office, Ianto was glad he made an effort, black tailored trousers with a black silk waist-coat, crisp white shirt , and a blood red tie with people actually stopping to look at him. Stopping at the nearest person to ask where a Special Agent Gibbs was, and getting pointed to a desk around the corner. As Ianto drew up he saw a distinguished sliver-haired man at the desk, walking past a Jewish woman wearing the star of David and on the right-hand side a man obviously the computer-wizz as he had a lot of computer equipment around him watch him go past.

“Special Agent Gibbs” Ianto used his voice when talking to the head of UNIT, respect with a hint of annoyance

“I am, Who are you?” Gibbs stood up

“Ianto Jones. Are you formally charging Jack Harkness with anything?” Ianto could actually hear the sighs of love from the women in the room

“Your the colleague he was meeting up today?”

“Yes, I took an early flight after Jack's call to me, leaving behind a mass of paperwork and somebody I work with trying to claw my face to come here and get Jack”

“He's not been formally charged, we are waiting for the results from our lab to come back”

“May I see him”

“Yes” Gibbs walked towards the other end of the room obviously expecting him to follow, with the woman and the man from the other two desks walking behind him. As they came to a set of doors in a long corridor, Gibbs opened a door and inside looking slightly sad, with another agent looking slightly miffed was Jack dressed in a form-fitting suit as the coat was getting fixed back in Cardiff looking at the wall.

“Dinozzo, out” The agent named DiNozzo walked out looking slightly puzzled at him, Ianto walked in and shut the door behind him, he knew that they were going into the other room to look at them and see what they do. Jack still had not looked at the door.

“Jack” Ianto softly said un-willing to cause more distressed

“Ianto” Jack jumped up and pushed him into the door kissing him, as if he just wanted to disappear inside him. There were very few times that Jack was feeling this desperate, Ianto just let it happen and poured all his feelings into the kiss back.

“Well not something I expected to happen” Said a surprised Gibbs, The others turned to look at him astonished he didn't realize, not that they did themselves.

“Should we be allowing this if the suspect is guilty?” the Jewish woman called Ziva quietly said not wishing to disturb the hush that had fallen

“He's not guilty, just in the wrong place” Gibbs understanding that the silence was in slight awe to the emotions of the two men in front of him were displaying. Abby came hurtling in the room before stopping to watch the men in the other room, dressed normal for her in black tutu and a skull top with new rocks.

“Whoa, we are videoing this, right?”

“What have you got?”

“You know me Gibbs, always have something for you although this time I had to find you, and I don't even get a caf-pow”

“Abby” Gibbs intoned before giving her a caf-pow he brought that was on the desk behind him

“Thanks boss-man, anyway I just got some interesting fingerprints of a bruise that was round the victim's wrist which happened post-death”

Abby was quickly drawn back to the scene that was heart-breaking to watch, the suspect had his head tucked into the obscured man's neck shaking in obvious tears, while the man was bending down to the suspects ear and whispering something. Even Gibbs was looking a bit uncomfortable watching the scene in front of them an starting to get a tiny blush along his cheeks.

“Would it be a miss if I asked to watch them have sex?” Ziva inquired her head turned to the side looking thoughtful

“YES” both DiNozzo and McGee shouted looking both horrified, Gibbs smiled and shook his head.

“So what did you have Abs?” inquired McGee

“hmmm, oh yes the fingerprints match a hotel staff by the name of Rose Haze, who is the sister of Noah Haze which is coincidently Katharine's husband” Abby muttered distractedly.

“McGee; go and tell them that Harkness can go but I want to talk to them later on so could they leave the details of where they are staying, Abby; go back and run some more tests for narcotics in the victims bloodstream, David and DiNozzo; track down where Matthew and Noah for a few questions” Gibbs then walked out of the room to get the killer.

They all stood there before Gibbs walked back in and smacked them all on the back on the head looking at them all with a raised eyebrow, while they muttered apologies and walked out to their own set jobs.

“Shhh Cariad, it's fine. You didn't do it so they can't get you” Ianto whispered over and over again to a slight distraught Jack in his arms. A knock on the door was sounded, and Ianto slowly back away from the door before it was open the computer-wizz man came in

“I'm Agent McGee, and Captain Harkness is free to go, but we need to talk to you in the next couple of days” McGee looked a bit uncomfortable being in there, Ianto knew it was because of the emotion that Jack was showing.

“Okay, we are staying at the Hilton in room 124” McGee backed out of the open door and stood outside

“Jack, we can go. Common on the sooner we get out the sooner we can go back to the hotel room and have a nice hot bath before a lobster dinner” Ianto smiled thinking about what would happen between courses they would do.

“With Chocolate dessert and whipped cream” Jack excitedly asked looking into Ianto's eyes no hint of crying or any sadness, Ianto nodded and Jack bounced out the room tugging on Ianto to hurry.

Just as they hit the main area, Ianto had a call looking at the cell he groaned realizing it was from Gwen

“Gwen, What is it?”

“I'm your commanding officer you won't speak in that dis-respect or I can get you fired” Gwen's snobby voice came back

“only Jack can fire me or retcon me”Ianto thought to point out to her

“I have enough sway with him to get him to my side, I mean when he proposes to me I'm going to execute you myself” Gwen's superior voice came out

“Your wrong” Ianto gasped and he could see around him Jack signing a few forms with Gibbs and his team as they seem to be gearing up.

“Am I really, your just his shag on the side, does he care about you, does he take you to coffee to have talks like he does with me. I have a receipt that just came though on his account of an white gold engagement ring that cost him a small fortune with an inscription saying 'Till the end of human life'” Ianto could practically hear Gwen smiling and gloating.

Ianto shut the phone and in a daze walked over to Jack still signing forms.

“Your getting engaged”

“Huh?” Jack looked up

“Your getting engaged to Gwen, as I'm just a shag on the side”

“Go no, Gwen is not my type” Jack actually shuddered, Ianto noticed others in the office were listening in.

“Gwen told me about the engagement ring and the inscription” he heard his voice and to even his own ears it sounded wrong

“She told you” Jack was looking angry

“I thought you cared enough about me, obviously I'm too damaged from what happened with Lisa, at least with Gwen you won't get some of the looks we get” Ianto rationalised knowing his heart was breaking.

“It was suppose to be a surprise” Jack muttered before looking around seeing the faces that looked strangely disappointed with him.

Jack got down on one knee and looked up at Ianto who had his eyes closed a mixture of pain and anger on his face before Jack taking the box out of his pocket, Ianto opened his eyes and saw Jack on one knee

“I thought I would save this till tonight when we are in a restaurant but here goes. Ianto Jones ever since I first saw you I knew you were different, we have been through the ups and the downs of life but I have never loved a man like I love you, When I see you smile that is just for me, my heart swells with happiness knowing that a person like me with all the secrets of the world and knowing the things I have done in the past has a little chunk of that bliss that I thought I never deserved. Ianto Jones, I will love you till the end of Human Life, will you become my husband?”

Ianto was stunned and all of his thoughts on what Jack had said, before simply smiling at Jack opening the box spotting the manly white gold band and the inscription. Taking the ring out and placing it in Jacks hand

“Yes” Jack looked up as his eyes had dropped down thinking Ianto as going to say no.

“Yes I will marry you” Ianto repeated making sure Jack herd every word, Jack looked shocked as he took Ianto's hand and slid the ring onto his finger before standing up and kissing him to within a inch of his life, they were interrupted by loud cheers quickly separating Ianto saw and heard people around them at NCIS headquarters clapping and cheering, even Gibbs had slight tears in his eyes. Jack grabbed Ianto's hand and lead him out, of the navy yard with congratulations ringing in their ears.

“Well Mr. Jones-Harkness lets go celebrate” enthused Jack placing a kiss on his lips before hailing a cab to god know where.

3 days later

As soon as they got back into the hub, Jack told Tosh and Owen about Ianto saying yes and told them all about how he proposed, Tosh giggled and demanded more details before giving a hug and a kiss to both Jack and Ianto. Owen grunted a congratulations before shaking Jack's hand then surprising everyone by giving Ianto a hug before scurrying away down to autopsy.

Soon after that, Ianto was with Tosh looking up some new program. When the door alarm sounded and in came Gwen rushing towards Jack throwing herself at him then tying to kiss him, before he wrenched her away from him and pushed her a few meters clear from him

“Ohhh Jack your back, good we need to start this wedding soon I mean I got to invite my whole family and of course I'm having one bridesmaid, my friend from school and as I saw your account we can plan big. Also need to put down a deposit for a house down I already scouted one out its a four bedroom property with a swimming pool and its 10mins away so we can have lie-ins together in the morning and it's got an extra bedroom for the baby that we are going to have. I'm glad you got rid of Ianto, I mean he wasn't really worth anything to the organisation and so damaged, so it properly means we have to get rid of Myfanwy as well as I'm not having that dirty bird around when I'm pregnant. I have already retcon Rhys so he thinks I'm just a friend. I have so many plans, this really is the start of the rest of our lives” Gwen rattled on clearly not seeing Jacks face turning slowly green, Ianto frowning at her, Tosh looking disgusted and slowly bringing out her gun, and Owen actually puking in a bucket.

“Gwen, me and Ianto are in-love and getting married. I have never wanted to have any of these things with you, I'm actually disgusted by your personality. You have no right to say those things about me and certainly not about Ianto. You are a cruel dumb thing, I don't even see how Rhys even put up with you, you always take command when you don't have the skills to, you boss me around thinking that I'm your slave, I must have been dying of a brain tumour when I hired you” Jack roared at Gwen

Gwen opened her mouth to say something before Owen whacked her over the head hard with a medical tray knocking her unconscious.

“I'm not sorry for doing that” Owen said before walking away

Jack grimaced before dragging her along the hub and down to one of the cells by her arm, Ianto followed him down and they both shoved her into a cell locking her in, before walking back up to Tosh.

“What we going to do with her” Jack sadly said

“She's near immune to retcon which is a surprise” Ianto thoughtfully said

“We could cover her in BBQ sauce” Tosh said with a straight face, Jack and Ianto both looked a her and started mentally thinking up the plan.

Just as Ianto was about to speak, the lights went out the emergency back-up should have came on but nothing was working all the electronics had been shorted out

“What the hell has happened?” Jack asked

“Huge electricity currant, discharge from the rift” Tosh explained

As soon as she said that the lights all came back on, Ianto and Tosh immediately started on finding out if anything had happened until Tosh gasped. Both Jack and Ianto headed over to her.

“What's the matter”

“The cells have all disappeared and ¼ of the archives” Tosh nervously said

“WHAT” Ianto ran downstairs round the hub, before running back up.

“They have gone, x-z archives are missing, and where the cells were is just a big empty room” Ianto rushed to say

“I wonder where the rift has sent Gwen and the weevils to?” Before tuning to Ianto and hugging him close consoling him on the missing archives. Owen and Tosh smiling at each other thinking of the problems that they were free of.

2 days later

“JACK” Shouted Ianto from the living room

“Yes” Jack shouted back from the kitchen where he was washing the dishes

“You have an email from Special Agent Gibbs”

“Okay, read it out”

“We have interviewed Rose Haze and apparently Noah Haze, Katharine's husband, contacted her with instructions on how to kill Katharine with a common toilet cleaner, he then supplied her with details of Katharine's movements and a syringe ready to be used, she then stabbed her in our room to make it look like it was done of a crime of passion”

“Why my room?” Jack said back

“Noah was having an affair with a Miss Gwen Cooper when he was stationed in Wales for few months, before he said that she had broken up with him stating that his wife had to go first, then claimed to him that her ex Ianto Jones had beaten her up and was stalking her. I had booked your room at the hotel under my name till I joined you. And Gwen gave him instructions to send to Rose to frame me”

“She really thought I loved her” Jack came into the lounge and winced before dropping a quick kiss to his mouth

“Yep. Well it also says that they found Gwen Cooper to be dead by a few weeks, got hit by a bus”

“What a shame” dead-panned Jack

“Just goes on to say congratulations and their forensic scientist expects photos” Ianto laughed before shutting down the computer, moving to the couch and snuggerling in next to Jack who put his arm round him before setterling down to watch a 1950's movie.

Shutting out all the world and noise and just putting Gwen's death behind them.

crossover, torchwood

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