Priming the Pump

Nov 20, 2010 10:29

It's day 20 and I've got 23.5K on the Nano story, Peacemaker. This week, work was insane and the words were sparse, but not that I've got time, I'm finding that what words I do get are mechanical and they're not flowing.

So, I'm thinking that I need to prime the creative pump. I've got lots of half-finished projects, so I think I'll start another one. Yeah. It's the start of a crafty project that gets the juices flowing. I'll start up a necklace and take a break when I need to and, hopefully, I'll be able to get words.

Sometimes it's knitting, sometimes it's free-writing and sometimes it's painting the living room. So today I will start with making a necklace - I've got an idea - and then I'll take a shower or a walk and daydreaming will happen. Hopefully, that'll prime the pump and I'll be able to start writing better.

What do you all do when you need to get the creative juices flowing?

writing, creativity

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