
Jun 25, 2006 20:54


Alright, so, two months and I'm already losing it in this little blue room that eats my soul.

I don't know how I'm going to survive the summer. Don't get me wrong, home life is not horrific. My parents are relatively alright--they don't beat me, though my mom does drive five km per hr and when I complain she "accidentally" gets too close to a sprinkler and I get wet, and my dad talks waaaaaaaaay too much. My friends are cool (you hear that? you're all cool!). But I'm BORED and I'm short of breath and I hate it.

Today I went to Pride, and that was fun (soooooo many assless chaps and fairy wings... where are MY fairy wings?!), but then I got tired from dancing around to raver music and had to come home, and my dad showed me the photos from his recent biker trip through the southern states (apparently no one outside New York knows where Canada is), and I have never longed for Australia more. See, I think the reason why I like travelling is because no matter what you're doing, you feel productive, because hey, you're somewhere new. I spent endless days lying on the beach changing races in Byron Bay (hippy town, Aus) and I didn't feel like I was wasting a moment. Here, however, every night I go to bed with the sinking feeling that there's another day I'll never remember and never get back. And yet I'm not even inspired to thus fill my days with wacky adventures because I know I'm just going to wind up back here again, so what's the point?

(wow, do I sound emo or what??)

So yes, I'm longing to flee, fleeeeeeeee. Too bad B.C. will after to wait 'til October when a) the Chili and Roger Waters concerts are over and b) I actually have some cash. The other day I dropped over five hundred bucks at the dentist. Five hundred fucking dollars!! Apparently I'm up to seventeen fillings. But I DO floss, I DO!!! Dentist says I've just got rotten teeth. Two years of braces anguish and it's still not over?! Fuck this shit, I shoulda gone for caps. I'm running out of teeth... soon, I'll just have one big filling.

If anyone has any ideas how to keep me in my head... or out of it... then please let me know, before I wallow the summer away in a cesspool of boredum and self-pity.

(shit, I really do sound emo... nautical stars anyone? Gross me out)

Something I just feel I have to add: you all KNOW I'm not anti-gay (duuuuh) but I gotta wonder, why the hell is there such a high ratio of ugly lesbians?! Honestly! And I'm not just talking about bulldyke style, cos hey, whatever flips your shit. I mean underneath it all, a very large percentage of them are simply unattractive women (of course I don't mean ALL, I happen to know some EXTREMELY hot lesbians, so nobody get offended!). What's the deal with that? Explanation, anybody?
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