Why I am not an activist

Mar 16, 2011 08:05

I am not an activist. Most times you couldn't remove the fence-post from my butt. I'm undecided on everything as I try to see both sides of the argument. My politics are centre, my religious beliefs are profound but laid back to say the least, and I am not a feminist.

You won't see me marching in Trafalgar Square (too many people packed into a small space). I don't get involved in big issues, but you'll find that on nightporters I'll talk about cases that have caught my attention, such as overtly homophobic attitude to the man who was separated from his life partner and his possessions sold off. It's the little things that bother me - the attitude towards the individual man. Those of you who fight loudly for them - well done.

I'm not going to say I fight for gay rights or against religious bigotry, but if in my books I can write about them and make people think, then I've done my bit - in a very small way.


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