Reviews for Prey Time

Feb 04, 2011 08:13

I got a couple of lovely reviews for Prey Time. I've been so busy promoting the novels that I let the little ones slide. I was too tired to be honest to hawk this one as well. So an unexpected review makes me very happy.

A- from Brief Encounters.

This short takes place over only a few hours, when the two pick Jeff up in the club and take him back to their hotel for some playtime. However despite the shortness of the piece, each character has their own personality and that comes through clearly. The entire story is told from Jeff’s point of view so you only get his perception, but I never got confused as to which twink was which, or who was doing what. A lot is packed into a few words.

Another point I noted on rereading, yes, I reread it, I enjoyed it that much and my rating indicates that, was that it is in present tense. Usually it takes me ten pages to get my head wrapped around present tense but this was so seamless I didn’t even notice at first which for me is a big achievement. When you’re in the mood for a short steamy read with a nice conclusion it’s a great choice

4.5 (somethings - balls?) at Cryselle's Craziness

Third person present tense brings us readers along on a a hunt -- Jeff is looking for a night of hot sex, and the two dancers are hunting him equally hard. The power dynamics of a threesome waver all over -- who's in charge is the name of this game, and in the heat of the encounter - and damn is it hot - one of the dancers vry smoothly takes over running this show.

There's a nice twist at the end of sweaty, raw sex, and when one of the men says what's bubbling through my mind, I could only think I've been played just as hard as Jeff has, and I like it just as much. Which is a lot. The story is 95% PWP, really, but very fine PWP, and that 5% of back-loaded plot puts it on my re-read shelf.

These made my day.


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