Running in Circles, Screaming.

Feb 04, 2011 18:07

So. My flight from Rochester to Newark got canceled. All I can figure is that the "wintry mix to rain" in the forecast for Newark is expected to hit sometime after 11am and before 5:30pm, because only the 9:45 flight was canceled (read: mine). The forecast for Rochester is pretty much a perfect winter day - 34, sunny, 8mph winds. I've flown in and out of Rochester in MUCH worse than what Newark is looking at. Clearly, they've gone soft after this winter. Pussies.

I got the last flight out of Rochester in 2007 for S&D I, while a co-worker was stuck at Atlanta headed home the same day, because his flight home was canceled. I actually SAW him at the airport, walking briskly and frantically dialing his phone (I found out why after we got back). Coming home from one of the other cruises was a real nail-biter, as well.

So, anyway, after a call to Continental, we've been shifted to an earlier flight (6am, arriving in Newark at 9:30am). Actually, that's a really long flight... my flights from Newark to Rochester back in the '90s were like 45 minutes... you got your drink, and you didn't even get to finish it before they were collecting the glasses! LOL!

But I digress.

I thought all was well before, and now, despite the reschedule, I'm pretty much spazzing out. GAH! I will kiss the sidewalk in South Beach when we arrive.

In other news, I had another doctor's appointment today, and the baby's heart sounds good! It was really loud and strong. Also, he/she kicked the microphone. Someone wasn't happy about being poked at 8:30 am. LOL! I have my letter in hand stating my due date and my good health, which I also scanned and sent to NCL, as requested.

Now I just need to get out of this city.

BTW, this will be me later tonight:

Too Excited to Sleep

See you on the cruise!

EDIT: ...and that flight got canceled. We're now flying Rochester-Cleveland-ORLANDO-Miami. Leaving 6:45am, arriving in Miami around 3:30. So... leaving 3 hours earlier, and only arriving 30 minutes earlier. This is going to be a LONG day. *sigh*
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