Right, this is happening in my community, to be honest it's the most exciting thing that has happened which does not involve murder, pregnancy and money (in a sense). Obviously, I'm going to substitute names and if you already know what is happening reading this then deciphering would be fun. Ok. RayRay if you are reading this, it's suppose to be funny - breathe, breathe and breathe!!!
The Green Club has been established for a year now and it's been well promoted but because of rules they couldn't accept everyone. A year later, H.M. thought it would be a good idea to also start a club - Purple Club - Green Club is aware of this as H.M. has told them but they have opened it up for everyone. In a sense, Green and Purple Club are rivalries but they don't act like it.
Mr Blah was a member of Green Club but has also decided to start up a club called Yellow Club so essentially Green and Yellow Club are starting up at roughly the same time.
I have decided to organise an event and like usual I invite Green and Purple Club as I know most of the members. In addition to this, I have became friends with the Apple Club. Everything went well and each of the clubs has been notified of the event and are promoting it. [Here comes the problem] Mr Blah is also promoting the event to his Yellow Club, 'if you are a member then you get in free'...fair enough, it's a new club and wants members. Then the next thing you know it that sentence was posted on Green Club's page. [Is this really a problem, please discuss in less than 500 words.]
When H.M. found out about Mr Blah, H.M. was considering having Purple Club pay for members. [Should H.M. do this, please discuss in less than 500 words.]
In my opinion, here's what's wrong:
1. Mr Blah never even notified Green and Purple Club that a Yellow Club was starting. You may think this is stupid but it can be overlooked as this can be a networking opportunity. In future the three clubs could join together for one hell of an event!! Plus it is politeness.
2. Posting on my club and on your club is fine but posting it on Green Club's page is stepping over the line. 2 possibilities can happen:
a: Members of Green Club will wonder why Yellow Club can go for free therefore will ask for it to be free so the President would try to get it for free and if they manage to get it for free, how would that put Purple Club members? How about the Apple Club, they don't know about this at all.
b: None of the members would care.
3. Mr Blah has told members that they have tickets, never approached me to ask for tickets. Other people has either asked or has assumed that they were getting tickets (by this I'm referring to the Clubs who I have notified). I have no tickets left.
So that's what happening.