TUT... A Note from the Universe
Sue, be selfish for a moment and think of something material that you want... something fantastic, something awesome, something wonderful.
Okay, I’ll play along. I want $10,000,000…that is ten million…dollars!
Now, double it. Whatever it is you want, think of owning two of them.
Fine. $20 million it is then.
They're yours free and clear. Think of the implications their possession would have on your life.
I could pay off all my debts; buy that Jeep Wrangler I’ve been fantasizing about; take some creative writing classes; travel the world for inspiration; write my novels; hire someone to help me clean and organize my home and my life; fix up my home and yard, or move; buy my husband the vehicles of his dreams; help my husband fulfill his life dreams; help my children with college and housing until they finish college; spoil my kids and grandkids a little bit; buy my mom a new house and set her up with funds so she can live the rest of a wonderful life; do the same for my father; find a charity that helps teenage mothers and donate my time and money to helping them;
What would your neighbors say?
The neighbors would think I am crazy because I am giving most of my money away, or spending it on frivolous things, but I don’t care because life is short and you can’t take it with you when you die. Some of them will be glad that I am taking an interest in my yard and making it more beautiful. Some might be pissed because my husband may have dreamed of starting his own dog kennel so he can breed bull terriers, or mastiffs or something like that. But, I won’t care! I will be happy that he is happy!
Where would you keep them?
I would keep the money in the bank, and in my purse, and stashed in secret places so when I stumble upon the green bills it will bring a smile to my face and remind me that I CAN have anything I want in life.
What colors would you choose, what dimensions, what characteristics?
Green money colors, a rainbow of various colored checks made out in my name for deposit into my bank account; big, little, gigantic!
Okay, you're about to receive a third one, more than you could possibly use (at the moment), so who would you give it to?
Another $10 million? Wow! I would give it to my brothers and my sisters; to my closest friends; and to charity.
How would you tell them?
I would invite my brothers and sisters to dinner at my house. Next to each place setting would be an envelope, one envelope for each of my brothers and sisters. When we all sit down I will encourage them to begin dishing up their plates, as they start eating I will go around the table and speak to each one of them individually and tell them my favorite memories of them and why I am grateful to be their sister. After I have spoken to each one of them I will then have them open their envelopes which will have a check written out to them. A no strings attached check. I will let them know that it will bring me more joy than they can imagine by accepting this gift from me and that I hope it will allow them each to enjoy their lives to the fullest!
For my closest friends I would plan a spectacular night out on the town….in Manhattan! First I would take them all on the shopping trip of a lifetime and let them buy the most amazing dresses and shoes and accessories they can find. Then we will attend a popular Broadway play, and after the play we will go to a classy restaurant where I will give them a big speech about how much I love them and value their friendships and then I will pass them each a little, sparkly wrapped package. When they open the package they will find a piece of jewelry that I have found that symbolizes our sisterhood…..with lots of sparkly diamonds of course….and beneath the jewelry there will be a check made out to each friend that would be enough money to help them get out of their current debts and assist them in beginning the life they truly want to lead.
For Charity - I will just mail the check to the charity.
What would their reaction be?
I hope their reactions will be happiness, relief, and gratitude. Not because I expect this type of a reaction, but because I want them to be happy. I don’t want them to feel guilt, but if they do have debts and/or worries about money I hope that this gift will give them relief from those worries. And gratitude to the universe for providing for us all!
Would you be able to help them take ownership?
Yes! Because I will only be acting as the vessel from which this gift is flowing from. The gift ultimately comes from the universe. I am just the lucky individual that receives the added blessing of being able to dispense it.
Would you be there to facilitate the transition, if necessary?
Yes! Because the ego in my wants to see the looks on their faces and the relief and joy that this type of a blessing can bring to them.
What would your friends and family say about your generosity?
I’m sure some of them would feel a bit uncomfortable at accepting such a large sum of money and they may be hesitant to accept it. But I will reassure them that there are no strings attached and I have no expectations of how they use the money, or how they are to feel about me once they have the money. It is only my wish that the money will be able to help them begin to achieve their dreams.
Would you do it again? If so, for whom?
Yes! For those young teenage mothers that are just starting out in life with many strikes against them already. To give them hope that there is a bright future out there for them and their children.
This exercise has now concluded. Drop it from your thinking. Resume enjoying the here and now, because it's the only place happiness resides, and every so often, as your mind wanders to thoughts of the above, smile with gratitude.
Choices, choices, choices,
The Universe
Sue, there are NO limits. Next time you play this game, imagine you just received 30 of them....
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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