We'll do it all..

Jun 01, 2006 23:22

...everything, on our own.

This is a Snow Patrol song. Snow Patrol songs remind me of Live 8. Live 8 reminds me of last Summer...

And now it's this Summer.

When exactly was Live 8 anyway? About the 2nd July? Yeah.. nearly a year.

Anyway so in one month's time, the start of my kickass Summer last year began. Yesterday, it was the 31st May and I realised that it would be June tomorrow, ie. today. (Still with me?) June = Summer. Now, I'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise considering the relative crapness of the weather England is throwing at me.. but Summer is nearly here. Well, it should be here, more accurately.

So, I find myself browsing to aerlingus.com once more....

The guys are at The Brog tonight. The Brog, in a nutshell - "it's a dump! But it's our dump." I cast my memory back and everything is clear as day; the vending machine in the corner that sold Tato's and proved a home for my leather jacket whilst we jumped around to Sweet Child of Mine... the sofa, where drinks were spilled and much laughter was had... the bar, heaving with people... the dancing. Oh, the dancing.

And, in approximately 4-6 weeks, I shall return.
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