NaNoWriMo and big bangs

Nov 02, 2011 04:56

Well... of the Big Bangs I signed up for initially, I've completed: 0. Zero. Zilch.

But I got a bingo? And somehow I think I can finish NaNo?

Actually, I have mentally committed myself to trying to finish two NaNo projects, one fanfiction that I'm going to try very hard to get to 50k words, though my max story length is around 17k right now (written, unposted).

The other is an original story idea that will probably not reach 20k words on its own, but it's part of a universe of possible stories that I could write in. My older sister, who is fantastic and supportive, asked me if she could share NaNo with me, not as a writer, but to see what I write and be a sounding board. I flat out told her that I'd started writing fanfiction and I wasn't sharing, 'cuz she and the family really wouldn't want me to. (Though I may send her a link later and give her the option, just won't be sharing it with my nephews, etc).

Which lead to me admitting that after I reached my goal last night, I thought about turning over to the other story. The danger being that even if I share it, I don't write sequentially. I don't know if it's nice to hand a person parts of chapters two, three, six and twelve and expect them to know what the hell is going on in my mind.

But it'd be nice. Before I discovered fanfiction, Sis read my short stories and gave me feedback and let me natter on about this and that and a million other things. So, yeah. Fun times and a daily word goal of 3,334 words (or more, because I never stop at 1,667).

Also: I didn't have a NaNo tag before this? Really? o.O


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