Title: S'more-play, Part II
Category: drabble
Pairing: clex
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Count: 100 words
Notes: Obvious sequel to the
G-rated Part I.
Dedicated to:
tallihensia and
tainrySummary: The boys enjoy each other.
Part I Chocolate drips onto Clark's pants from his overloaded cracker and he reaches a hand down, seconds away from smearing it further. Lex has another idea.
Clark's laugh is strangled as Lex presses his mouth to the rough denim. Clark's hand hovers near Lex's face, fingers sticky from chocolate and marshmallow.
He stays on his knees as he catches Clark's wrist in his own hand and brings the first finger to his mouth. He catches the sweet remnant taste of the s'mores and the salt of Clark's skin and his teasing turns serious as he moans and Clark echoes the sound.