Title: Forth and Back
Category: Ficlet
Pairing: pre-Clex
Rating: G
Word Count: 928
Spoilers: None
Bingo: Clex bingo/
clexmasPrompt: Cars/Trucks/Vehicular
Notes: I kept having to remind myself that it didn't have to be porny.
Summary: Driving as a relationship metaphor: the car goes forwards, the car goes backwards. The car goes side to side.
Clex Bingo Fill: Forth and Back (Cars/Trucks/Vehicular) )
Comments 16
Thank you, hon. I'm glad you liked it.
It makes you wonder who is reading who, because Clark should worry that Lex just happened to have the one thing on hand that Clark said he could get him..*g*
I imagine that Lex has (had) a (complete) set of Warrior Angel key chains. But he won't be running out to replace the one he's given away.
That was absolutely adorable. I love the way Clark tempted Lex into the car - a firm 'no' is never absolute when it comes to Clark! Step One, and then steps from there.
And... rotfl! Um, yeah, our minds were *seriously* on the same track there, weren't they? Writing telepathy! ;D Love the way you brought that out. No repairs worth twice the amount of the car (they can seriously add up to that!), but Lex can get Clark a key chain.
And Lex just happens to have one... ^___^ Clark will never not think of Lex whenever he drives that car, and even after the car is long gone, the keychain with the key is going to be hanging on his wall, memories and love.
{{hugs them both and Sue too}}
I think if Lex had went to buy Clark a keychain, it would have ended up with some kind of tracking chip and bug.
And here's the telepathy in action. I was thinking about all Clark's future cars and the fact that Lex gets him a new keychain for every one... leaving the rest to be hung in a place of honor.
*hugs* Thank you.
Thank you.
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