My, aren't I creative today. Or bored, one of the two.
Title: Wheels Within Wheels
Author: Rowan aka
Sue DeNimmeSummary: Can Pippin really be *that* sweet and innocent? Here's the answer to that question.
Disclaimer: No copyrights were harmed in the making of this fanfic.
Note: This is for
garnet_took. She never really got around to telling me her drabble request after winning my trivia question last Friday, so I decided to take the liberty of making it about her favorite character. Oh, and you may notice this isn't a drabble. It's 150 words long. Not sure if there's a name for 150-word fics. Anyway, here it is, Garnet, and I hope you enjoy it.
My lord Manwë:
Everything is proceeding according to plan. No one knows about my true nature or my mission.
It has been difficult, I must admit: safeguarding Frodo and the Ring, then secretly engineering the entire Quest, while of course letting Elrond and Gandalf think it was their idea. Meanwhile I have been extremely busy, making carefully calculated "mistakes" and asking deceptively stupid questions. Rather ingenious, if I do say so.
I think I have the rest of the Fellowship completely convinced that I am nothing but a lovable, bumbling imp, which naturally is what I want them to continue thinking. Though I believe Gandalf is beginning to suspect something. There was a distinct twinkle in his eye when he last called me "Fool of a Took", after I "accidentally" tripped Boromir and caused him to fall into the thorn bush.
Well, I must end this communique -- time to complain about the cold food again.
I remain, as ever, your devoted servant,
Peregrin Took
ETA: Argh, can't believe I wrote "Mandos" when I meant "Manwë". Fixed now.