Celebrating New Who day 3

Mar 22, 2015 07:51

March 22nd: Favourite Moment

I don't have *a* favorite, I have various favorites, and these aren't all of them by far, but they'll do.

(IMO, if you have only one favorite moment from a thing you like, maybe you're not that into it.)

The End of the World (Nine): Rose sadly looks at the remains of the Earth and remarks that everyone was too busy saving their own lives to watch it go. The Doctor quietly takes her hand, and brings her back to modern day London, on a busy street full of people. He tells her about his own planet being gone, and that he is the last of his people, then asks her if she wants to go home. Rose suddenly sniffs the air and says she wants chips. The Doctor laughs, caught completely off-guard, and they walk off down the street grinning, to go get some chips.

School Reunion (Ten): The look on the Doctor's face when he sees Sarah Jane again for the first time in centuries (to him) or 30 years (to her).

Partners in Crime (Ten): The Doctor and Donna, who have been constantly just missing each other throughout the episode, finally see each other through windows on the opposite sides of a room where they are both spying on the villains. What follows is a hilarious improvised mime sequence, which ends when they realise the head villain has noticed and is watching them.
Villain: "Are we interrupting you?"
The Doctor: (silent) "Run!!!"

Vincent and the Doctor (Eleven): The stargazing scene with the Doctor, Amy, and Vincent, with the sky morphing into Vincent's painting The Starry Night.

The Doctor's Wife (Eleven): After the TARDIS is restored, and the Doctor asks her, "What do you think, dear? Where shall we take the kids this time?"

The Day of the Doctor (50th anniversary): Ten and Eleven meet, and almost the first thing they do is compare the sizes of their... sonic screwdrivers. :)

In the Forest of the Night (Twelve): The moment when the Doctor finally acknowledges that he has fully adopted Earth as his home planet. "This is my world too. I walk your earth, I breathe your air." (Echoing what Clara said when she was angry with him in Kill the Moon.)

Death in Heaven (Twelve): The Doctor finally gives the Brigadier the salute he always wanted from him. Coming from Twelve, who hates soldiers, this speaks volumes. Too bad it took so many incarnations for him to do it. But it almost made up for the Brig being Cyberized. :P

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