Jul 12, 2009 10:19
Ever spend a day sitting by one of those metal barrels with a slot that people put their ticket stubs in, and at the end of the event the barrel is rolled around and whoever's stub is pulled out of it wins a prize?
Ever wonder how many times in one day you can hear people say, "This one's the winner", or "Better pick this one", or variations thereof, without going mental?
About 92. Well, it felt like 92.
I wanted to put up a sign by the barrel saying, "The next person who says 'this one's the winner' DIES."
(it was a hamfest, BTW, a sort of convention/flea market for ham radio operators, and my husband was the prize-booth guy.)
Anyway, it *was* a nice dry building (it was pouring rain most of the day) and people were pleasant, and I got a nice T-shirt from a table that was selling hats and shirts. The shirt has a sort of mutant treble clef on it with a cat's head, and says, "My cat knows the song in my heart and purrs it to me when my memory fails."
So I can't really complain about anything except lack of sleep, and being away from my computer. (Oh computer, how I've missed you.)