Really big meme

May 01, 2009 03:52

Gacked from claudia603. Again. What can I say, she gets some of the best memes. :-)

When was the last time you cried?
Last time I remember full-out crying was my mother's memorial last year. The closest I usually come is getting a little misty.

Have you ever faked sick?
When I was a kid, to get out of going to school on occasion.

What was the last lie you said?
I honestly don't remember. No, really.

Have you ever cried during a movie?
Not really. I might tear up a little, but that's it.

Have you ever danced in the rain?
Uh, no. Never occurred to me to do so.

Have you ever been drunk?
No. I hate the taste of alcohol. Even the smell of it. The finest wine smells like floor polish to me, and the best beer smells like cat pee. I'm serious. I don't understand how anyone can drink it at all, let alone drink enough of it to get drunk. But they do, so I guess I'm the one who's strange. Gotta admit, I do feel kind of left out sometimes.

Do you smoke?
Nope. Never have, never will.

What is your full name?
I won't say my full name, but my first name is Tracy.

What is your blood-type?
Don't know.

Have you ever been in a car accident?

How old were you when you received your first kiss?
Um, in my 20's.

Who was your first kiss?
The first one I want to remember was my now husband.

Have you ever had an online relationship?
Friendships, yes. Romantic-type, no.

Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
Does total unawareness of your existence count as rejection?

What is your favourite sport to play?
None. I was never any good at them, so of course my classmates and teachers all conspired to ensure that I would never enjoy any sport at all, ever. One of the best things about graduating school was never being forced to play any sport again. Of course, I have paid a price for this.

Have you ever made a prank phone call?
No. Either because I was disgustingly goody-goody as a kid, or because it just wasn't my type of humor. Probably both.

Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you mean, "when"?

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love, no. Lust, yes.

Who was your first crush?
Some kid in 5th grade. (I was in 5th grade too, for the record.)

How would you describe yourself?
Physically? 5'3", female, overweight, pale skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, glasses. I've been told I look about 10 years younger than I am.

What are you afraid of?
Um, bears. (And lions and tigers.) Slippery surfaces. Bees. Religious fanatics (regardless of persuasion). Being forced to sing or dance in public. Being tied to a chair and forced to watch reality TV. Rush Limbaugh.

Are you religious?
No. I'm too skeptical of all claims of anything supernatural.

What does your screen name mean?
Sue DeNimme = pseudonym. Ha ha, get it? Of course, not everyone does. My sister thought it had something to do with blue jeans.

What person do you trust the most?
My husband, my heart-sister, and her husband.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Don't know about the "best" compliment, but someone who reviewed one of my stories on Teaspoon said I was their Yoda. That's pretty up there.

What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
Kids in school used to call me ugly and accused me of being stuck up because I was shy.

What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
I've been with my husband for 21 years (married for 19).

What is your greatest strength?
Spelling and grammar come easily to me. I'm not eidetic, but I have a very good associative memory, mostly when it comes to names and words. I win Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble pretty regularly. I'm loyal, and easy to get along with. I'm very sensitive to other people's points of view.

What is your greatest weakness?
I'm almost pathologically passive a lot of the time. I'm lazy and I procrastinate a lot. I think maybe it's because I'm such a perfectionist that I can never come up to my own standards, so I end up never even trying. I'm often very reluctant to try anything out of my comfort zone.

What is your perfect pizza?
Pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms, or one of the above, or any combination of two of the above. No olives, peppers, or onions, and most especially no anchovies or pineapple.

What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
"Damn, I gotta pee."

What is your first thought before you go to bed?
"Did I scoop the catboxes?"

What college do you want to go to?
That ship has kinda sailed, though I might take an art class sometime.

What kind of music do you like?
The stuff that the so-called cool people make fun of. Like '70's and '80's pop, melodic rock, show tunes, and some swing and Sinatra-type songs (though, curiously, I tend to prefer new versions of those over the originals). I go for music to listen and sing to, not dance to. Most of what I like is the stuff that the music snobs think is manipulative. (But that's what music is *supposed* to be!) I don't like country, rap, hip-hop, "alternative", or opera.

My favorite singer is Michael Buble. It used to be Barry Manilow, but he's lost me in the last few years, by finally becoming what he was always accused of being. Others who come to mind that I like are Queen, Enya, Billy Joel, Bonnie Raitt, and Elton John.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Depends on how much money you're gonna pay me.

How many piercings do you have?

Who makes you laugh?
My husband. My heart-sister and her husband. My other friends. My cats.

Strangely, though I enjoy standup comics, usually if they're good I just sit there and think, "They're funny", but I don't actually laugh. I think it's because I'm expected to. I have to be startled into laughter.

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

Have you ever seen a dead body?

What is one thing scientists should invent?

Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes. A tiny chip off the inside of my left ankle. It was enough to put me on crutches for weeks.

What happens after you die?
I don't know.

Do you watch or read the news?
Both. Mostly watch (or actually, listen while I'm doing something else). When I read it, it's usually and the local paper's website.

What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
I'm not really very girly in general, except in one respect: I am almost totally non-technologically inclined.

Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?
I'd say so.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Never really thought about that one.

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go?
My early teens. I would try to somehow influence my younger self to adopt healthy habits, to trust herself (myself?), and not to take to heart all the negative stuff that people were saying.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
How much time do you have?

Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
Maybe, if I were trapped into it. I'm more likely to try to divert attention or point out something positive about them than to outright lie.

What do you want your friends to think about you?
The same as anyone does: that I'm smart, funny, kind, good-natured, etc.

Have you ever bitten someone?
Uh... no.

Do you remember your dreams?
Rarely. The ones I do remember after waking fade quickly.

Have you ever been in love?
Yep. Married him.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Not really either one in particular.

Do you have any phobias?
Maybe a mild one, of slippery surfaces.

Have you ever been to the hospital (other than birth)?
As a patient? Appendectomy at age 11.

Have you ever had a nightmare?
Yes, but not for a long time.

Have you ever written a love letter?
No. Too afraid of embarrassing myself.

Have you ever attempted suicide?
No. Thought about it (as a teenager), but never actually attempted it.

Have you ever been in a fistfight?
No. I can't make myself even imagine actually striking another person with intent to hurt.

Do you have any hidden talents?
Like Claudia said in her answers, I'd say my talents are obvious ones.

Have you ever gotten detention?
I think I did once, maybe.

How do you vent your anger?
I don't really vent. I tend to hold it in. If it comes out, it's usually in the form of saying something completely stupid that makes me so angry at myself that it supersedes whatever the other person did to make me angry in the first place. And that frustrates and pisses me off even more.

Have you ever been on a diet?
I have modified my eating habits. Though I've fallen off the wagon somewhat, lately.

Is your best friend a virgin?
I think it's safe to say no.

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?
Diagnosed? No. *smiles sweetly*

Do you consider yourself popular?
Well, my cats seem to like me. As for humans, my circles are small but of the highest quality. :-)


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