Lost, etc.

Jan 28, 2009 23:03

Well, here in Indy we've just had around 12 inches of snow dumped on us, the most we've had in a single snowing in ten years. I'd been planning to go visit my best friend, but had to cancel as our neighborhood streets were too treacherous. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for it. Tonight she and I watched Jeopardy together over the phone, both of us calling out answers. She thinks I should take the test on their site. We'll see. I'm good with trivia and have won amateur Jeopardies before, but doing it on TV? I dunno...

Our cats are OK. I've started feeling Leela's belly regularly for lumps (she's the one who has lymphatic cancer). Nothing so far, fortunately. And we're still IV'ing our oldest cat, Zoe. It's frustrating. I feel like they're both on borrowed time right now.

I'm finally getting to catch my husband up on some New Who. He likes the show overall but isn't as into it as I am. He did seem to enjoy the Master trilogy with Ten, which we saw this evening.

And I watched Lost.

In the off-the-island scenes this time, Desmond was featured. Ah, my favorite character since Charlie kicked the bucket. Henry Ian Cusick is definitely my second favorite Scottish actor (after David Tennant). The man is seriously, seriously hot, especially now that he no longer has that "rubbish beard" (though he does have some rugged Aragorn-ish stubble going on). I'm glad to see that his and Penny's love is still strong, three years after he escaped from the island. And what a nice surprise that they now have a son... named Charlie! Awww! Great to see poor old Charlie's memory being honored by somebody.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Daniel's mother (who Desmond is on a quest to find) will turn out to be that white-haired British lady that Ben talked to in the last episode (and that Desmond encountered in one of his freaky timey-wimey experiences).

And I like that Desmond was able to so coolly confront Evil Old Rich Guy (Widmore) and get what he wanted from him. Shows that the island has changed him in other ways than merely making him psychic.

On the island: I loved how Daniel kept his cool with the 1954 Others. Also his telling Richard that the reason he could be trusted was because he was in love with Charlotte, and he wouldn't do anything that would get her killed. That was the first time he'd said it, though I've been pretty sure it was the case since last season. Nice to be right once in a while. But oh no! Looks like she's dying anyway, of a brain tumor or something similar. Wonder why the island isn't healing her?

The island hopping through time might explain how Richard has always appeared to be the same age no matter what era he shows up in, in the outside world. I'd been thinking maybe he was a Time Lord. Maybe not.

And we now know that Widmore is/was an Other. Not that I didn't suspect he had lived on the island before.

All in all, Lost hasn't lost any of its fascination for me, despite the long, long hiatuses. I'll be with it to the end, I think.

cats, lost

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