Steve, how about this crock of shit. This is like a Washington politician getting up there and saying that they aren't influenced by money. Reason #208402542947297427479724 why I hate the Oregon Ducks.
Interviews went awesome today. Hungout this morning at 1080 The Fan. The guy Gavin, he just ran the syndicated ESPN shows and did 20 minute updates. In between we just talked Hawks and I told him about caw caw and being outta hand at games. I asked how to get a radio show he just said you have to know more about sports than anyone. Whenever you're talking sports with people just overwhelm them with sports knowledge.... CHECK.
Then I went to the Portland Beavers and talked to their GM, that was pretty sweet. We talked about the faggot Portland mayor who when the Marlins came to town Monday said "portlanders have no interest in fielding a MLB team" I actually talked with all three of my interviewers about it. They all hate him. Everyone, including Democrats, hate Tom Potter but they're so incredibly open-minded that they never elect anyone else. It's amazing.
The I went to the Oregon Sports Authority, which is the actual organization trying to get MLB here. It was pretty cool, but not really what I wanna do.
Well, its time to get wasted