May 16, 2002 22:32
Hey guys...i know it's been awhile...but anything's better tahn studyin for finals right? let's see updates..well dave and i are still together, i'm livin with my 3 best girlies next yr which is exciting even if we didn't get into the single room apt. for next yr like dave did. teri's home..yay! i've decided with teri's advice....thank u go abroad spring jr yr..not sure where def yet..that will be my decision over this's gonna be hard bein away fromd ave for so long...but i think we're strong enough to deal...
summer right now is very unexciting...i'm lookin fwd to seein u guys but...i have no job and no idea what i wanna do..congrats laura btw! i'm takin an eng classs at rcc but beyond that...we'll see.
i can't believe we're gonna be jrs...we started this lj thing so damn long ago..this yr flew by seriosuly..there was the bad and ugly and of course there was alo the wonderful beautiful stuff...i guess i'm just kinda in shock at this pt...i have 2 more finals left..will be home wens nite the 15th.
i hate undecorating it really depresses me. but oh well "every new beginning is another beginnings end" so guess we'll see what life brings...hope u guys are doin ya