Title: A Name for Roses
Pairings: Clex
Warnings/Spoilers: A bit darker than normal. Assume season 3 ended... differently.
Author's Notes: I was working on apple drabbles. Sometimes I start from just a phrase. In this case, that phrase was the summary. What happened after is just... *shrug*
Summary: Clark knows better.
A Name for Roses )
Comments 20
Beautifully written! :)
Thank you. I tend to stay away from darker places, but this just wrote itself. I'm glad you liked it.
Sometimes the darker pieces just have to be written. We *like* the light happy-ending ones, but there's so many ways that they could go wrong that the dark ones just come out. And they're beautiful too. ^^
There's just something about Clex that the right kind of dark stories just hurt so good. I've found few other fandoms that make me feel the same way.
I loved this:
The pieces of the collection grow and Clark watches in growing horror as more names appear, first in Lex's room and then in the obituary.
Apropos of nothing, here is some Robert Frost:
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But now the theory goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is, and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose
But were always a rose.
Thank you.
clearly, the stalking is kinda mutual too :D
And the mutuality... should make it less creepy, but then my brain goes back to Twilight, so maybe not. :D
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