Lots of stuff today.

Apr 01, 2005 13:55

First off, thefridayfive:

1) What's the one movie you've seen more times than any other?
I think possibly one of the following Danny Kaye movies: Wonder Man, Up in Arms or The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I absolutely loved Danny Kaye when I was about 12 and I watched these movies to pieces. Of newer movies, I've probably seen Muriel's Wedding the most. I adore it.

2) If you could turn one book, comic book or other print story into a feature-length movie, what story would you pick and why?
When I was reading the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan back in high school, I used to fantasize about who would play whom if the series was made into a movie. I remember wanting Ewan McGregor for Rand and Catherine Zeta-Jones for Lanfear, but I can't remember any others. It was particularly hard to think of an actor for the role of the oh-so-dreamy Lan.

3) Whom would you cast?
Oops, I guess I just answered that.

4) What one movie would you like to see "updated" for the year 2005? (Ie, a remake)
Actually, I just noticed that a remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is coming this year - I would love to see that!

5) What one movie are you most looking forward to this year?
I guess it must be The Ring 2, which I am yet to summon up the nerve to see. We might see it this weekend - I definitely need the bf there to cling to.

I caught the last part of The Birdcage on TV last night... How much do I love and worship that movie? A lot, that's how much. I completely crack up at the horrified look Armand puts up when Albert comes in, dressed up as "Mrs. Coleman" and starts chatting loudly in that high-pitched voice. Also all the falling down. And how adorable is Calista Flockhart. Very, that's how.

Now on to the crap: CRAAAAAAP! Just found out I have to do another major paper, along with the term paper, that is also due in May. It's not supposed to be quite as long as the term paper, but still. I am only at a very vague beginning of the term paper, and only received the question and material for the other paper today. This is a pass/fail paper, which means it won't be graded but it will determine whether I get to do the exam in that particular subject. This only leaves Pragmatics as the paper-free subject, and I hope it will remain that way... It probably will, seeing as linguistics is not really about papers, it's more about smaller, concrete tasks. Like maths, really. Which can be both good and bad and oh dear I seem to be bleeding from my right hand. Ew. *goes off to get bandaid*

By the way, I've had a big ol' Jones in the Fast Lane revival these past couple of days. You remember Jones, right? It's truly a classic, a milestone of its time and still one of my favourites. Hooray for Jones!

Please comment! Or I'll feel so terribly unloved.

Oh and I didn't try to April's fool anybody in this post, by the way.

movies, mememe, bitching, life

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