All kinds of gratitude...

Mar 03, 2014 21:10

Yes, this is going to be a post about gratitude. Let me just do these in random order.

This evening, at BodyPump, I suddenly got a really bad stomach ache. It was absolutely horrible. I kind of had to give up for the last 20 mins or so of the class, because I was feeling so bad - that's never happened before. I might have pushed myself a bit too hard on the first day of my period, also probably hadn't eaten enough. I went from feeling great to feeling shaky and whimpering in no time. I wanted to leave the class, but I'd have to put away all my equipment while everyone else was still carrying on. I ended up just kind of doing nothing for a while, standing there looking pale. Must have been an odd sight. When I finally got out of the class, I took two painkillers and went straight into a hot shower. When I started to feel a bit better, I went into the sauna and kind of just plonked down on the bench for a while. I decided not to stress for the bus, but just stay however long it took. Finally I was feeling OK to get up. On the way home, I got a big Snickers and a regular Coke - it was the only thing I wanted, and it was awesome! Now I feel fine. A little shaken up, and quite exhausted, but so so grateful that the pain is gone.

And right now! Just before I started this post, one of my contacts started acting up so I went to take them out, only to discover the left one had split in two on my eyeball. Pure fun! It was so hard to get it out, because it was basically just a small piece at the top of my eye, almost impossible to get ahold of. When it finally came out, I was crying with relief. Going to bed with piece of a contact in my eye was not my idea of a good night. So, super grateful that it's out.

Grateful for an amazing weekend as well. It started with CrossTraining again, which was pretty brutal, but also great. On Saturday, Marta and I went to Farris Bad for the whole day. It's a spa about 1.5 hr drive from here, where you can buy a pass for the whole day and also have lunch in your robe. We spent the whole day in the different pools, tubs and saunas, and even ended up having a sauna treatment called "aufguss", where you basically... No, I've been trying to think how to explain it for a while now, so I am just copy-pasting a paragraph from Wikipedia:

Pouring water on hot stones to increase humidity (Aufguss, lit: "Onpouring") is not normally done by the sauna visitors themselves - larger sauna areas have a person in charge (the Saunameister) for that, either an employee of the sauna complex or a volunteer. Aufguss sessions can take up to 10 minutes, and take place according to a schedule. During an Aufguss session the Saunameister uses a large towel to circulate the hot air through the sauna, intensifying sweating and the perception of heat. Once the Aufguss session has started it is not considered good manners to enter the sauna, as opening the door would cause loss of heat (Sauna guests are expected to enter the sauna just in time before the Aufguss. Leaving the session is allowed, but grudgingly tolerated). Aufguss sessions are usually announced by a schedule on the sauna door. An Aufguss session in progress might be indicated by a light or sign hung above the sauna entrance. Cold showers or baths shortly after a sauna, as well as exposure to fresh air in a special balcony, garden or open-air room (Frischluftraum) are considered a must.

So there you go. The guy running the session (the saunameister, I guess) actually placed balls of ice on the hot stones - first ice with lime, then ice with lavender, and finally ice with sweet orange and black pepper. Each them was unique with its own health benefits, and you could just feel how your skin and body and soul responded to the treatment. So nice! Finally, he recommended taking a dip in the fjord, which was just outside and down some steps - I was shocked, but I immediately felt that I wanted to do it. Kind of like when I went sky-diving. Like, if I don't do this, I'm going to regret it, even though it scares me! The temperature was 0.8 degrees C... It was horrible, yet exhilarating and felt absolutely wonderful afterwards. The aufguss was the best part of the whole day. Ahhhh. Good day. I would never have thought to go, it was Marta's idea. It's so nice to do something completely out of the ordinary sometimes. Gratitude for that.

Then yesterday, I went to BodyBalance (Zumba got cancelled, boo), and in the evening to a party at The Broker because one of my friends is on the reality show "Hele Norge baker" (baking/pastry contest, I think it exists in other countries as well) this season and we all watched it there and had dinner and champagne. Whey! I met some old friends I hadn't seen in a long time, which was incredible. We really had a very good time. My friend Siri has stepped out of hiding, which is great! She's been through major changes, just like me, well not just like me because our changes are our own and unique, but we've both undergone big emotional changes and it's great to be back in each other's lives. We're going out for Mexican on Thursday. It's literally been a hundred years since we had regular contact. So...more gratitude.

And finally: On Friday my boss confirmed that I will get FOUR weeks off in a row to be able to visit Morten, and we'll go to New Zealand. There's a huge difference between three and four weeks when you haven't seen your boyfriend in five months and also are traveling so far. I was so happy, I couldn't believe it. No one usually gets four weeks off all at once. GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE!

Current weight: Nah...
Next workout: SatsEnergy decided to rest
Watching: Californication, apparently
Last iTunes purchase: Enrique Iglesias - I Like It (feat. Pitbull)

things that rock, travel, exercise, weird stuff, shiny, life

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