The autumn is pretty!

Oct 02, 2007 14:37

I just had to say that. From my computer seat, I am looking out on the blue sky and the yellow trees. Right now I feel that autumn is my favourite time of the year, although I know that's not really true. But it definitely has its charm. I've been sick for four days now, which is kind of not one of autumn's charms. And it's always a shock for me when I get sick, because I never ever do. I was lucky enough to begin feeling a tingle in my throat on Friday afternoon, and woke up early Saturday with a full-blasted cold. So amusing! I did go out on Friday night though, which I totally shouldn't have done, but I was just so set on it. Plus, I hate it when I've made plans with people and they're like "Oh, I can't go, I'm sick." I have no tolerance for that crap. So I went out. We had a blast, but again, it was probably a mistake. I should have been in bed drinking warm milk with honey. I did that later, though. I've had to take two days off work, which I find kind of embarrassing, but oh well. The worst part is all the "Are you feeling better?" questions that are going to rain down upon me tomorrow. I'm such a jerk. People are just trying to be nice, I guess.

life, meaningless posts

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