Bird dog cookie.

May 29, 2007 12:08

What a terrible day this is! What gives?!

The whole morning has just had a veil of gloom about it. I was so depressed this morning, I thought I was going to die, liek totally d00d. This started a little bit last night, which makes me think it has something to do with the weather. It's been rainy, windy and yeah, gloomy. And I generally appreciate a rainy day! It has something pleasant and cooling about it. Yesterday, however, had nothing of the sort. Why do I feel so icky? Something just feels wrong.

On a relatively unrelated note: I'd bought the DVD "Pretty in Pink", which is an 80s movie, and decided to watch it last night before bed. And the whole thing just got me down. It was a really sucky movie - I mean I can handle suck, if it's a charming suck, but this was not. It was big-time sucky suck, without so much as a hint of charm or even a little cutesy cheeseballness. So disappointing. The worst thing, however, was Andie (Molly Ringwald)'s beyond horrible mess of a prom dress. Talk about taking two perfectly fine pink dresses and ruining them beyond repair. I'm genuinely upset about this. I had to watch "The Exorcist" for a bit afterwards to recover. Posessed Regan can do no emotional damage to me that Molly Ringwald and her messy dress haven't already done!

I guess I should get back to work now... This is not a good work day. Booo. I need something to pick me up. Coffee helped, like I knew it would, but I'm still feeling gloomy. Help!

movies, bitching, life

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