Sep 05, 2006 21:28
I got my ears pierced today! It was a combination of a long-time plan and a spur of the moment thing. I have sort of been planning it for years, especially for the last couple of months, but it's always been that "Oh, I'll do it some other time" thing happening. But today I suddenly called a salon called Face It! to make an appointment. Very fitting name, no? I was very scared when I got there, but the girl was nice, and the whole thing only took about three minutes. It hurt for about a second, then my earlobe went sort of nice and warm. I now have my official diamanté beginner studs on. Yay! Am now officially a girly girl. I hope so, anyway. I'll try to post a pic soon, even though I guess it's really not that interesting to look at, hah hah.
Now I'm going to watch the first 15 minutes of a documentary about eighty year old children, then I'm switching to Grey's Anatomy! My favourite is Dr. Stevens. No, not Izzie. Dr. Stevens.
And, I just noticed that House will be starting on TV4 soon!! ETA, Sept 7: House will also start on NRK2 this autumn! Wow!!
PS: New pretty icon! For some reason I suddenly have 108 slots for userpics instead of the "usual" 106. 108, waaaaah! It's aaaaaaall about LOST!