Having a moment of fabulous

May 19, 2010 21:51

OK so there I was in Walmart looking for a particular toy.. I collect toys. Didn't find it. I did however find a very nice exclusive to Walmart Scout Walker. Gave it the once over and decided I wanted it. Very nicely detailed, big improvement over the original one which I also have. So that makes me fairly happy.

And then.. as I'm walking out I go through the home stuff area. Wander down the aisle with dishes and find at a very reasonable price - a set of dishes and bowls. Cobalt blue glass. My favorite - and the color for my kitchen. Been looking for a set for a long time. So I snatch them with a glee that I've not experienced in a long time. And when I get them home - I set up a mock setting - and wonder of wonders they perfectly match my cobalt glasses. Now I can be all fancy! And how nice they look on the new kitchen table!

So I'm really thrilled and happy that I have matching dishes and glasses. What is up with that?
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