Dec 23, 2004 00:01
newsflash to the news: stop interrupting the uk game to update about southern indiana's snow conditions! they are not part of kentucky, they never will be part of kentucky, and anyone who actually uses the term "kentuckiana" is probably getting paid to do so by one of louisville's superior news stations.
in other news, me and my dad hit up kroger for food during the blizzard. people (including my family) act like they have never seen snow before. and people really like bread. all that was left was like, weird potato bread. and a loaf or two of whole wheat that i was able to snatch! phew!
aw sad, rob just told me that so taguchi was released from the cardinals! he was my fave!
let's see, what other current events can i include? oh. so this couple that lives in my neighborhood... i don't know them personally, but whenever i see them at the pool or hear about them in neighborhood functions, they kinda bother me because they are very snooty and act superior to everyone. but yeah, well, they were on the real gilligan's island show on tbs. they were the supposed to be the "mr and mrs howell/hawl/i have no clue how to spell their last name" couple. my aunt was telling me about it. everyone hated them she said. i just think that's kinda funny, myabe it will teach them a lesson. you know, ky is seeing quite its share of reality stars these days. the outback jack girl, diane on big bro, now me...
ok bedtime.