Right, so yeah

Oct 22, 2005 16:28

Right, so yeah. Dylan didn't take me up on that argument. Could it be that he thinks he's too good for suddenlys_enior, now? Does he think he truly is the cat's meow?! Oh well BURN on me. I guess it's just me left here then. It's going to be weird being the only one updating the site or making any effort at keeping S_E going. Oh WAIT, NO IT WON'T BE. Well he's just a big dork. Like, friggin Dorkus Aurelius. Fine. I can be clever and witty and funny all by myself.

So ehehhhnnn...how about them...legal sized pieces of paper. God, they're so huge. I mean, what's so legal about them, right? They should be called ILlegal sized pieces of paper, because they're like almost too big to be, um, legal. Yeah.

And how about those, ummmm, banjos. Yeah, they sound so crappy, that they're more like ban-goaways. Instead of banjos. And go away, because they sounds bad, eh? Oh, I have some banjo jokes. So what's the difference between a banjo and an onion. Ummmm, one tastes good in soup, and the other one doesn't!

Dammit Dylan, this crappy update is all your fault! From now on, every update I make is going to be me calling you a weiner. Weiner.
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