Oct 03, 2005 18:40
ok so this is real this time and its not just a dream... i wont go into the long story of it all but ok i knew there was a law passed a long time ago saying that slaughterhouses must humanely kill and treat the animals before death but i just thought we needed more enforcement on this law. well i read today this quote:
On May 13, 2002, President George W. Bush singed into law the "Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002" (Public Law 107-171), which includes a Resolution that the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of 1958 should be fully enforced to prevent the needless suffering of animals. It also calls upon the Secretary of Agriculture to track violations "and report the results and relevant trends annually to Congress."
and i thought to myself wow what can i do there is already enforcement on the law. and i mean i cant ask for enforcement on the enforcement of a law. and not enough people are willing to give up meat eating diets in order for the crazy jerks who do abuse animals unlawfully to loose their jobs. so all ive been fighting for seems to have been pointless its never going to change and God intended it that way so man has the power over all the animals on the earth which is their purpose. anyways im mad that i never knew any of this well the law part and i have not actually eaten meat yet i want to research more but im pretty sure this is the end to me and my vegetarian ways