I am in tech class once again, still bored and still PMSing more than ever. This morning in math class Noodles kept doing things to get on my nerves and make me upset because he knew he could. It was working of course, and then some girl gave me Advil to clam me down, but it did nothing. I was really stressing so I went for a walk and I was going to by a drink. On my way to the caff I bumped into Arash and told him of my troubles... Then he started stroking the side of my face, which really freaked me out and made me want to cry, so I took off. When I was buying my drink THE MACHINE ATE MY MONEY! The only thing that kept me from bursting into tears right then and there was that I saw Lili and then I couldn't stop laughing and whining at the same time. When I went back to class Noodles was still fucking with me, but that was ok because Bacon came and he was able to cheer me up, temporarily... Mike didn't come to class today which sucked because I could really use a hug and he gives good ones, but they still don't compare to Tom's (thank you for yesterdays hugs, they really made me feel better). I'm really not feeling up for psychology today so I think I will call mother and get her to pick me up. Our computer better fucking be fixed and back home today, 'cause if it isn't!.::shakes fist::. God damnit Tom, why do you have to be so goddamn miss-able (is that a word?) Your very comforting to be around when I feel like a menstruating monkey's ass. Thanks.
happy trails.