If I Met You In A Scissor Fight, I'd Cut Off Both You're Wings On Principle Alone

Dec 25, 2003 21:03

   I just recently arrived home from Chris and Joe's place. It was alright, probably because I got a little loaded off of various kinds of red wines. Which is why I had Art take me home earlier than everyone else, I have a dreadful headache right now...It sucks. Jamie was boozin' it up hard core tonight, it was the first time I've seen him actually loaded. I've seen him a little tipsy, but not to this extent. It was very funny listening to him (try to) talk during the car ride home*. He was constantly slurring his words and talking really load, which kind of sucked because of my splitting skull. When I told him how load he was talking he couldn't get over it. He couldn't believe he was talking so load. Silly Jamie, tricks are for kids!

It was good to see Elliot (I found out he likes Tool! YES!!!Another one over to the dark side... MUAHAHAHAH...... sorry...), and Evan is always a dear, Martina and Matty especially. I haven't seen them for quite some time. Good to see that they haven't changed a bit (still that same old cynical sarcasm that I hold so dear. Lord Matty is good at that, definitely one of the funniest people I know, and its natural, he doesn't even try*), at least not personality wise. But I was ecstatic to see that dear ol' Matt has grown his hair! I LOVE IT! Its almost past his shoulders, longer than mine. His parents hate it of course, but I gave him endless kudos for it. I took many pictures with my spankin' new digital camera, and I'll be sure to post them with all sorts of silly puns and captions to go along with it, once I can get this damn thing to load on the computer.

*He came along because he kept insisting that he get chips. He had the munchies, Chris had just recently lay out a wide variety of desserts and such, but nnnoooooo Jamie didn't want delicious fancy desserts, he wanted chips, Nacos to be precise.

*An example of his type of humor: Evan was talking really load (as always) and laughing, and once he was finished Matty says very casually "Hey Evan, can I have my hearing back now?" I guess you had to be there... O_o

Enough for the moment

happy trails

justin, danny, adam*, maynard

*Is that not the most gorgeous man you've ever seen?.::wets pants::.
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