Comfort; 30 Lemons

Mar 03, 2010 00:08

Pairing/Fandom: Alice Hamilton/Hatter, Alice
Theme: #27. The Mile-High Club, or, “Wow, This Gives a Whole New Meaning to Flying the Friendly Skies”
Title: Comfort
Author/Artist: sucrosesanction
Disclaimer: Alice is not mine.
Summary: Flights were never fun for Alice... well almost never.
Rating: NC-17
Author's Note: This in part for a fic trade thewritingbug (in which the premise was semi-public) and in part for my lemon challenges. So away we go to ficland.
To my other Alice/Hatter ficlets

The plane bumped slightly again, causing Hatter to look down at the empty seat next to his. Alice was still in the bathroom. They had been flying back to New York for Alice’s eccentric Aunt Delia’s house in California and despite Alice having given up on the idea of driving, she still was entirely uncomfortable.

Hatter rose to go see if she was alright. She had gone to the loo over a half an hour ago. He knocked on the door, leaning his ear against his door so as to hear her better. “Alice, are you going to be alright.”

All he could make out in response was a weak high-pitched “Mmhmm.”

“Do you need anything?” He knew that the staff kept motion sickness pills on board for situations like this, or so the stewardess had told him when she had noticed how ill Alice looked. She had suggested that it might help.

Alice’s low whine turned into something that sounded like a “no,” but with how few vowels actually entered Alice’s speech pattern it was hard to tell.

“Alice? Are you sure I can’t get you something to help?”

“Mmhm.” He heard a small crash come from within the bathroom and then silence. “I’m fine!” Alice called out before Hatter could attempt to barge in. “I promise I’m fine.” And then more silence followed.

Hatter waited a full two minutes before speaking up. “Can I come in?” Another negative sound came from the bathroom. “Alice, please.”

There was a sigh and then the click of the lock, but the door remained closed. Hatter opened it very slowly afraid Alice would kick him for some reason unknown to him. This flying thing made her odd. He closed the door and locked it behind him before turning to see Alice sitting on the floor, her head resting on the closed toilet cover, hair splayed about her. “Alice, are you sure I can’t get anything for you?”

Alice nodded slowly, taking a deep breath before managing to speak again. “It’s not nausea or motion sickness or anything like that.” Alice shifted her head to look at Hatter, who was insanely close in this tiny cramped space. “It’s the paralyzing fear of how incredibly far from the ground we are.”

Hatter pulled her up to a standing position and into a hug. He didn’t know what else he could do for her just then, with her in such a panicked mindset. After long moments of brushing his hand threw her hair, he sat down on the seat and pulled Alice onto his lap, continuing his hushing and gentle touches. Alice’s breathing eventually reached a steadier pace, her head tucked beneath his neck. “Are you feeling better Alice?”

Hatter could feel her head nod slightly beneath his chin, “Just hold me here for a bit.” Alice’s fingers tightened around his elbows and she shifted slightly so she was more facing him than the door. “Thank you.”

He smiled down at her, kissing her forehead and wrapping his arms tighter around her waist. “I’m just glad you’re feeling alright for the moment.” And then Alice leaned up to kiss his lips, shifting her legs slightly in the cramped space. His lips met hers softly like rose petals and tea leaves and she fell into the comfort of the familiar embrace, nearly able to forget that they were thousands of feet up. Hatter started to let his lips roam across her cheeks and chin, but when he reached her neck he hesitated, looking up at her for confirmation, unsure if this was what she wanted or needed just then.

Alice gave it, baring her neck for the contact and sighing with relief when it finally came. The soft touch stirred waves of passion in her, pulse beating wildly against his tongue. Her fingers grasped at his hair and back, gripping at anything just to feel him more completely beneath her. She stood and placed her legs on each side of his lap before reseating herself. His fingers found their way underneath her shirt and she gasped as his cold fingertips found her teat, pulling and teasing.

The plane hitched beneath them, snapping Alice out of her calm for a moment, her body seizing up for an instant as a result of the reminder. The plane steadied out though and she found her calm again, leaning back into his touch and kissing him again. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine. Just keep going.” She said so to reassure herself as much as him.

Hatter nodded and resumed nibbling Alice’s chin while Alice’s hand occupied themselves with the button to his pants, fingers grazing the tuft of hair there. Hatter’s lips elicited a small gasp at the contact, but no more. He focused himself fully on the breasts beneath his palms, causing any number of expressions to cross Alice’s face. Her hips moved instinctively against his, feeling his hardness beneath her, losing herself in the friction between the fabrics.

Hatter shifted slightly beneath her, something brushing against her clit, pulling forth another moan from Alice. She shifted herself slightly so as to let him maneuver his pants down so she could wrap her hand fully around his length. He groaned against her skin, stiffening underneath her touch, hands moving to pull her shirt off entirely. Alice acquiesced and stood to allow for an easier maneuver and Hatter took the opportunity to pull her pants down and around her hips, her muscled thighs exposed and her scent wafting to fill the small space.

His fingers slipped between her legs and then moved the silky underwear around his fingers, slipping between her lips, finding her heat and moving against her undulations. Alice lowered herself slowly back into Hatter’s lap, pleasure soaking her through. Grabbing onto Hatter’s shoulders she let him slid her onto him, his erection sliding against her sensitive flesh, fingers gripping her hips. Pushing her underwear aside, Hatter slid easily inside of her, finding her center causing her to catch her breath.

Alice was shaking in his embrace as he pushed against her core, her walls tightening around him. “God you feel good.” A low husky whisper brushed hot against his ear and his grip tightened on her hips, hearts pounding. They accelerated their pace, Hatter’s lips catching one of her nipples and haphazardly suckling until she came around him. A cry escaped her and the waves of pressure clenched around his erection and he bit down on her shoulder, coming fast and hard inside of her.

Panting there, Alice had forgotten they were in a bathroom of an airplane until the flight attendant had felt it necessary to knock on the door. “Hello? If you could please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts we will be landing in about twenty minutes.” Alice didn’t stop blushing until they were well off the plane.

ficlet, explicit content, prose, alice

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