In Which the Onlooker Partakes; 30 Lemons

Jan 29, 2010 21:15

Pairing/Fandom: Alice Hamilton/Hatter, Alice
Theme: #02. The Audience
Title: In Which the Onlooker Partakes
Author/Artist: sucrosesanction
Disclaimer: Alice is not mine.
Summary: Hatter walks in on the unexpected. (Sequel to "Lonely")
Rating: NC-17
Author's Note: This is because thewritingbug said a sequel was necessary. It also worked with one of my prompts, so poof, here it is. (I wrote this one at work. How utterly inappropriate.)
To my other Alice/Hatter ficlets

At first, Hatter couldn’t hear Alice rustling and shifting in the bed sheets all the way from the kitchenette. He was preoccupied and she was merely rolling over. He had called the shop this morning, spinning some tale about not really feeling well, and the other manager had jumped to fill in for him. He just didn’t feel like going in, it was that lazy thing Alice talked about when she slept in too late. Besides, the other manager loved getting an extra shift, though for what reason Hatter couldn’t guess, there were plenty of things he’d rather be paying attention to than unmotivated and underpaid employees.

Alice was one such thing he’d rather pay attention to. A smile curving his lips upwards as he drank his tea, thinking on all the things “paying attention to Alice” implied. He still wasn’t dressed for the day, just in a pair of slacks and his hat, another factor of laziness. Still, there was plenty of time to spare with the day off. Hatter hardly understood the emphasis people her put on the time, but he had to live by it, if he wanted to stay with Alice. And he did, for as long as humanly possible.

It was when he was about halfway through his cup of tea that he heard her stirrings. He had left the door open, so there was nothing to stop his ears from hearing her gasps in their small apartment. His mind sent images of Alice exposed, beneath him, and he was hearing the noises she made there. The tea could wait.

The noises increased in volume as Hatter approached the bedroom, partially from proximity and partially from increased excitement. When he got to the door, her hips were raised and her fingers were deep inside. She was far too caught up in herself to notice him standing there. He leaned against the doorframe, hooking his thumbs in his waistband while he observed her undulating on the bed. He suddenly found himself in an unexpected front row seat to his favorite show, and he took in the sight greedily.

She cried his name when she came, and a grin crept across his face, pleased by the fact that it was his image that brought such pleasure to her. A chuckle escaped his lips and she shot up, catching his eyes with cheeks cherry red. “Don’t tell me you’re done already.” Hatter’s voice was tinted with lust and mischief.

Alice blushed brighter and said nothing as Hatter approached their bed. He kissed her cheek and sat behind her, back supported by the headboard. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her towards him, her back against his chest. Hatter kissed her ear and she turned her head, blush fading significantly. He wanted to cause her cheeks to flush again. She rubbed her cheek against his lips and twined her fingers with his. “I thought you were at work.”

He kissed her cheek again and let his nose grazer the skin there. “Nope, I’m home. Took the day off.” The fingers of his right hand, still free, brushed down her arm as soft and light as feathers.

“I can see that now.” She stilled his fingers with her own, but he caught her digits and brought them to his lips, kissing each fingertip. He doubled back and kissed the fingers that had been inside of her two or three more times, tasting her arousal on his lips.

He breathed deeply, kissing her palm and exhaling hot air, sending a shiver up her spin. “You were thinking about me.” Her fingers brushed his cheek before she recaptured his hands, wrapping them around her waist to bring them even closer together. His arousal was fast becoming evident against the small of her back.

She drew tiny circles on the backs of his hands, leaning her head against his shoulder and staring at the vibrating ceiling fan above. “I’m still thinking about you.” She lifted her arms around the back of his neck and turned her neck to kiss whatever part of him happened to be nearest, The kiss landed just below the jaw line and Alice grinned upon realizing the spot. She fully expected the clenching hands on her waist, his unspoken response. “And now you’re thinking about me.”

Her grin faded slightly, distracted by his fingers wandering down and stroking where thigh curved towards her entry. “I was thinking of you before I heard your first stirring, before I even sipped my first drop of tea.” He could fee that she was still warm and wet, fingers hovering mere millimeters from her pleasure knob, but refusing to touch. Alice turned around then, before he could decide to touch or she could give in to that touch, and kissed Hatter full on the lips, tongue rushing across his lips.

Her hands made quick work of his pants and she teased his length, as she kissed him with incredible fervor, as though drinking him. He moved into her caresses, groaning out her name into her ear. She slowed her pace even further; causing his groans to turn to greedy, wanton growls. She ignored his demands, and shifted her focus to removing his pants and further more, his boxers.

Upon hearing the soft thud of cloth hitting the floor, Alice pulled Hatter in for another kiss, relishing his naked body beneath her own, her hungry sheath hovering over his aching heat. She dropped herself a little lower, teasing his head with her warmth, sending sparks to his brain. His hands on her hips, attempting to pull her down over him, but she took control in mere seconds. His hands were held behind his back in her own while she eased into a steady pace, straddling him.

He was nipping at her ear, groaning, his pleasure sending him far beyond the capability of words, and she was coming again, toes curling and cheeks flushing. Through gasps and wordless gestures of affection they adjusted, his hands allowed on her hips for direction. He entered her in one solid stroke, a cry escaping her lips at the fullness of him, an involuntary exhalation at the tightness of her around him.

He set the pace, moving quickly as though he needed to make up for lost time. One thrust became two and two became three until they were all blended together in a flurry of motion and their bodies were lost to the passion of the movement. With his mind unable to comprehend, Hatter just did, taking her with ferocity that was unfamiliar to her, but it was good in so many ways. He rode out her orgasm, taking hold of her as she clenched around him, guiding him towards oblivion. The nails of his left hand were digging into her waist, and his right arm was wrapped around her mid-back, clenching his fist as he climaxed, pulsating and warm inside of her.

Panting, gasping, holding each other in the after sex, forehead to forehead, simply needing the contact just then. Nose buried in her hair, just breathing her and feeling every inch of her, Hatter held her. He would hold her like that long after their breath had settled and their hearts had calmed, just being with her. The mischief had faded from him and her fingers were curling through his unruly hair, nails lightly scratching his scalp. “I love you Alice.” His mutter past through her hair and straight into her ear, warm words that she felt hum deep inside of her.

She pulled away only slightly to look him in the eyes, her blues to his browns, and she didn’t have to say anything. Alice loved him and she wasn’t afraid of the feeling anymore.

ficlet, explicit content, prose, alice

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