Armrests are for Cuddling; 30 Lemons

Dec 31, 2009 01:21

Title: Armrests are for Cuddling
Pairing/Fandom: Alice Hamilton x Hatter, Alice
Theme: #28: The Theater, or, "Oh, is the Movie Over Already?"
Author: sucrosesanction
Disclaimer: I do not own Syfy’s version of Alice, it would have lasted longer than two nights if I did.
Summary: Hatter’s first time in the movie theater proves to be less and less about the movie.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dirty exhibitionist smutty goodness? I’m out of practice when it comes to writing lemons.
To my other Alice/Hatter ficlets

“Two please.” Alice said to the woman behind the ticket stand with a smile. She sighed and jabbed at a few buttons and clacked her gum loudly before responding with a price. Alice handed over the money in exchange for the tickets and took the hand of her Hatter. With a wave and a thank you they were heading into the building.

Hatter had never been to the movies before, at least not in Alice’s world. He’d seen some Wonderland equivalent of video footage, but they did not have theaters for feature-length films starring beautiful people and wonderful worlds made via CGI. Alice had decided to save an explanation of CGI for a later time. For now, Alice was insisting that Hatter experience the movie theater, though it didn’t require much insistence. Hatter would do most anything for Alice.

Alice was taking charge of this little venture, as Hatter had no clue how any of this worked. She wanted him to enjoy his experience there and she would be sure that he did. Alice handed over her ticket stubs to the man currently collecting them. “Third floor, screen 15. Enjoy the show.”

Alice nodded and smiled while dragging Hatter up the elevators. She stopped at a snack bar on the way and bought a medium popcorn to share and a blue slushy for herself. Hatter decided, based on his experiences with drinks here in Oyster Land, that water would probably be best for his taste buds.

It wasn’t until they were inside the dark room that Alice realized they were at the matinee on a Tuesday. Most likely no one else would be there, it didn’t matter how popular the movie was. ‘Well, this could be interesting.’ Alice glanced around the room and then stopped her thought-process short. Apparently Hatter’s mischievous thoughts were infesting her own.

Alice lead them to the center of the furthest row back and sat herself down. “Oh.” Hatter had discovered that the armrests lifted. “Why-ever would they do that?” He questioned with a playful perk of the brow.

Alice laughed and leaned onto his shoulder. “So that couples can cuddle during the movies.” She replied, drawing figure eights across his abdomen. He was soft and comfortable to lean against, even if the armrest behind her was not.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. The movie started shortly, what it was didn’t seem to matter as much as the arm around her waist did though. She snuggled deeper into Hatter’s shoulder, tracing designs around his knee while watching the flashing images on the screen before her.

Alice did not consciously notice Hatter’s hand making its way under her shirt at first. It did nothing to start, so there was no reason for Alice to notice. It was only when Hatter’s touch went from grazing across her bare belly to swirling just above her nest of hair. “Hatter.” Alice growled a warning, even if there was hardly anyone in the room, it was still too risky.

“Quiet Alice. Watching a movie.” Hatter answered shortly, not even glancing down. His grin, however, gave him away. She glanced down either side of her row to see if anyone else was occupying it, and upon seeing no one, she caved. He wasn’t going to quit anytime soon, so she’d best sit quiet and enjoy it. His hands pulled her up so that he might make easier contact while he bettered his own angle of sitting.

Alice really should not have worn a button down shirt, as he was currently making quick work of that, without even a glance. He kissed her shoulder lightly, and then more firmly, and then nipped at the spot, drawing a quiet gasp from Alice. “Shhh Alice. Still watching the movie.” He scolded her again. Hatter was a brat; that much was certain. One of his hands slipped underneath her bra and teased the flesh there, while his other hand played at the button to her pants. He rested his chin on her shoulder while his hands played across her skin.

Alice held her breath while Hatter languorously unbuttoned her pants and slipped his fingers underneath her silken panties. For a moment he merely hovered there, teasing her, and she felt as though she might scream in frustration until she bit her lip to quiet herself. She moved into his touch, forcing movement out of him when she could wait no longer. Hatter grinned and removed his other hand from her breast and placed it on her hip to keep her still. He moved his middle finger slowly over her clit, dipping into her for a bit more wetness and then returning to his work at her.

Hatter kissed the crook of her neck while he quickened his pace over her clit. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto Hatter’s shoulder, her breath quickening. He slipped two fingers inside of her and let his thumb continue to work her, feeling her clench tight around him. Her hands gripped at the seat beneath her and moved into his hand, and when Alice nearly groaned she had to bite her own hand. She felt the rush of release and stopped holding her breath, shaking with Hatter’s fingers still buried deep inside of her.

After a few moments, Hatter let Alice go to help fix her shirt and pants. She took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply and then returned to the movie screen to see the credits rolling. “Good movie wasn’t it?” Hatter whispered huskily in her ear, followed with a show of licking his fingers clean. She nearly melted at the sight of it.

Alice sighed, she still had no idea what the movie had been about. “Let’s get home already.” Her slushy had melted and their popcorn had gone nearly untouched. At least Hatter had enjoyed himself.

ficlet, explicit content, prose, alice

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