I don't have very much to tell but I have to say... Black Swan is shit. :( I watched the movie with my boyfriend on saturday and I was very disappointed... I've seen much psycho thriller and horror movie but this one was just sooo boring. BUT I wore my new dress on that day!
I could say so much bad things about Black Swan.. at least I can join a conversation about the movie haha. But after all it was a great day with my beloved One. <3 (AND WE HAD GREAT WEATHER! I'm so so soooo happy spring slowly arrives in Germany!)
I bought new dresses and one of them arrived today. It's a dress from HeartE. I always loved HeartE because they have simple but oh so cute dresses! I was so happy as I saw that the dress was for sale (and cheap). <3
It's soo cute... a perfect Onepiece for spring! I also got pink boots a few weeks ago <3
I'm excited to wear them out soon. :D