Age: Over a thousand. But physically, he looks around thirty-something.
Height: 6'4" (That makes him as tall as Sam. For the record.)
Weight: 1 don't know. He's tall but very thin?
Medical Info: Vampire! Olllllld.
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: Blond, bleached that way
Physical traits: He's a tall vampire. This means, at times, he has fangs, but he doesn't get weird features or anything. Just fangs.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything? He'll laugh most things off, including being fictional, in his own way. Mentioning Sookie will get his attention, however.
Abilities: As a True Blood vampire, he has a number of things:
- He can fly
- He has superhuman (even way above that) speed, hearing, strength, and other things.
- His blood has restorative qualities.
- His blood also is like a drug.
- His blood, if digested, gives him a connection to the person who digests it so he can sense them.
- It also makes that person automatically attracted to him.
- He has a psychic link to Pam.
- He's unable to go out in sunlight, but he probably can go without sleep.
- He has different fangs!
- Eric can fly because he's old.
- They aren't allergic to normal vampire things, except silver.
- Also, he cries tears of blood.
- ALSO, as it has already come up, he is over a thousand years old and therefore VERY VERY VERY powerful. The only reason he doesn't have a position of power in canon is because he's selfish and unpredictable, and uses what position he has to serve himself. Obviously, there are people in camp who will be stronger than him, but please inform me if there will be an attack, because 9.9/10 times he'll be able to get out of it.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Due to the nature of True Blood's vampires, I would prefer that Eric's mind NOT be able to be read. He is a vampire and doesn't hide it, however, and he will read as dead.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Permission on the obvious ones, people.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: ... Yes. Yes, all the time. From all genders.
Maim/Murder/Death: You can ... try? Eric is very powerful and very old. But I'm sure someone will want to kill him.
Cooking: ... Not relevant.