Mar 22, 2003 19:38
Mood: Snotty
Music: Infatuation-Christina Aguilera
Location: My house...all alone..again
Occupation: Fatty Girl
Height: 5'6
Weight: i was 120 yesterday...thats my record
Eye color: hazel....for reals
Hair color: browish reddish with some blackish. id needs to be dyed again
Current attire: strawberry panties. a white skirt. a teal ::gasp!:: shirt.
Current make-up: naked
Current smell: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: workin out
Current desktop picture: a dog toy with throw up on it
Current color of toenails: grayish-blackish. (from allison) how sweet
Current worry: I have none. unless u want to count the war. but im not gonna get into that
Last person..
You touched? tapio
You talked to? tapio and my mom
You instant messaged? Daniel
You kissed? my mom
You yelled at? papa
Who broke your heart? my heart has yet to be broken
Favorite ...
Food: Im craving mongolian bbq...but i like spongebob mac n cheese, pasta, bread, fried chicken. and anything hostess...fruit snacks..
Drink: ha.........
Movie: slackers.Talented mr. ripley.dumb n dumber. cinderella
Vegetables: i hate veggies
Fruit: pear
Are you ..
Understanding? i try to be
Open-minded? very
Arrogant? only about things i can be
Insecure? depends whats its about
Interesting? id like to think so
Hungry? all the time
Smart? i got asked to be in honor society
Moody? never ;)
Childish? when someone says peepee and kaka
Independent? o yeah
Organized? hell no.
Healthy? i dont think so. i eat crap
Emotionally stable? not lately. but yeah..
Shy? o gawd no
Difficult? yes
Bored easily? if i am...i make a game
Thirsty? when i suck dick. jk
Responsible? yeah
Obsessed? obsessive compulsive...yeah
Trusting? sometimes too much. but ive become less..
Talkative? oh fo sho
Original? i try to be
Ignored? ....yep
Reliable? oh gawd yea
Self-disciplined? haha, yeah
Sleepy? not anymore. i slept waaaaaaaaaayyyy too much today
Lonely? at the moment...yeah. but no
Who do you want to..
Bone? haha. tony of course
Slap? yap
Get really wasted with? tasha and allison. wait...and tony cuz i want to see him dance. but not stephanie...she gets too damn emotional and lesbian and loud and stoopid.
Tickle? hahahha. tony
Look like? myself.